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The Wilmington Gazette

Excerpts from The Wilmington Gazette 1806
Transcribed by Natasha Miles, February 2011
The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, January 7, 1806

Sheriff's Sale
Will be sold, on Tuesday the 18th of February next,
1 Lot in the town of Wilmington,
On Front Street No. 18, to satisfy an execution in my hands, Benjamin Smith and others against the heirs of James Read.
Also, the lease upon the house  and lot at the corner of Market and Second-streets, to satisfy an execution in my hands, William Campbell against Bernard Laspeyre.
R Seagrove, D'y Shff
January 1, 1806

Sheriff's Sale
Will be sold, on Monday the 18th instant,
A likely young Negro Wench
Named Peggy, to satisfy an execution in my hands, the administrators of A Hostlar vs the heirs of Henry Halsey.
R Moore, Shff
Wilmington, Jan 2, 1806

The subscriber having qualified as administratrix to the estate of the late William Smeeton, at the last county court, requests all person having accounts or demands of any denomination against the estate to present them properly attested for settlement within the time limited by law: and all those who are indebted to his estate are requested to come forward and pay the amount of their several debts on or before the first day of March 1806, otherwise suits will be commenced against those who fail to make payment, without discrimination.
Mary Smeeton, Adm'x
Dec 30, 1805

Dick's Hotel
The subscriber informs the public, that he has taken the house in which he resides for another year, and takes this opportunity to solicit the custom of travelers, and others, who may be assured to meet with every attention and the best fare the place will afford.
Those indebted to him are requested to come forward to settle their accounts.
William Dick
Wilmington, December 17, 1805

Wilmington, December 20, 1805
The subscriber having obtained letters of Administration at the present county court, on the Estate of the late John Henderson, ship-wright, deceased, gives public notice thereof. All persons having claims against said Estate must bring them in properly attested within the time limited by law, otherwise they will be barred of recovery. Those who may be indebted and have open accounts will respectively be called upon for a settlement in all January next.
John Lord, Adm'r

For Sale
The plantation whereon Michael Sampson, Esq formerly lived, on Morgan's Creek in New Hanover county, containing near two hundred acres. There are on said plantation about 36 acres tide swamp under bank and ditch and divided into two fields, quarter drained, now fit for the cultivation of rice. The upland is well calculated for a stock quarter, having a good range for hogs and cattle. On the land are pear trees very valuable for the Wilmington market. One, two and three years credit will be given. Application to be made to the printer of this Gazette, or Samuel R Jocelyn, Esq, Attorney at law.
December 3, 1805

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, January 28, 1806

All persons who are indebted to the estate of the late John Burgwin, by bond, note or otherwise, are requested to come forward previous to the 1st of March next, and make payment to the Executors in cash or approve notes at 60 days, negotiable at the Bank of Cape-Fear. In failure whereof suits will be commenced without discrimination.
J G Wright
A J DeRossett
J F Burgwin
January 14

Sheriff's Sale
Will be Sold on the 20th February next,
The brick house and lot in Market-Street now occupied by Thomas N Gautier, to satisfy an execution in my hands, Trustees of the University against Blaney and Martin.
R Seagrove, D'y Shff
January 14

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, February 11, 1806

State of North Carolina, District of Wilmington,
In Equity, Nov term 1806
Daniel Morgan, by his Guardian,
James Bloodworth
In this cause, it appearing to the court that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this state, it is ordered that unless the said defendant file his answer within the three first days of next term, that the complainant's bill shall be taken pro confesso & heard exparte; and that this order be published four weeks in the Wilmington Gazette.
Done at my office in Wilmington, the 6th of February, 1806
Edwin Jay Osborne, C & M, E'y

Sheriff's Sales
Will Be Sold
On the twenty-fourth of March next,
Thirteen Negroes; also two Brick Houses at the corner of Front and Princes-streets to satisfy an execution in my hands, Donaldson, McMillan & Co vs John Martin. Likewise one hundred & fifty acres of land, to satisfy an execution in my hands Administrator of J Portervent vs Wm Devane. And a piece of land whereon Robert Ormsby formerly or does at present live, to satisfy an execution in my hands Roger Moore vs said Ormsby.
R Seagrove, D'y Sh'ff
Wilmington, Feb 11

The subscribers intending to leave this state in a few months, request all persons indebted to them, either at Fayetteville or Wilmington, to make payment on or before the first day of April next, so that they may be enabled to settle the demands against them. Those who fail to comply with the above request may depend on being legally proceeded against without respect to persons. Those who have accounts against them are desired to present them for settlement.
David & R Camock
Wilmington, February 10th, 1806

Fresh Garden Seeds
Just received and for sale by
John Willkings & Co
Wilmington, Jan 20 1806

To Rent
The upper part of a brick house corner of Front and Dock-streets, with a kitchen and yard to it. For terms apply to the subscriber.
Thomas Jennings
Wilmington, Jan 28

The subscriber is now opening at the store of Mr James Dickson (Front Street) the following good which having purchased for ready money he will sell wholesale on the lowest terms - viz.
One bale anchor Doulas,
Two small boxes 4-4 superfine Irish Linens
A few pieces Plains,
ditto white Flannel,
ditto Cotton Bagging,
ditto Boxes Claret,
Two Chests young Hyson Tea,
George McBride
Wilmington, Dec 31 1805

In addition to the above, the subscriber has now opened
A more general assortment,
as follows:
Superfine Cloths, Common ditto, Swansdowns, Velvetets, Superfine Calicoe, Common ditto, Half bleached Irish Linens, Brown ditto, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Madrass and silk ditto, Cotton Braces, Gloves &c &c.
All of which he will sell for approved notes at 90 days, or in barter for produce.
George McBride
Wilmington, January 20, 1806

To Be Let
That convenient boarding house, near the Market, at present occupied by Mrs Morgan; immediate possession will be given. Apply to
A J De Rosset
February 11

James Dickson
Respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of Wilmington and the people in general that he has just returned from New York, with a neat and fashionable assortment of Dry Goods, suitable to the season, which he is opening one door north of Mr Thomas Jennings, in Front-street, and will sell at reduced prices for Cash or Country Produce.
Wilmington, Dec 17, 1805

A Bargain
To Be Sold
That well known and valuable Mill Seat on Holly Shelter, about thirty miles from Wilmington, late the property of Col John P Williams - its situation is healthy and agreeable, there is on the premises a two story Dwelling, Kitchen, and other out houses, the stream is known to be equal to any in  the state, with a set of Mills a little out of repair, the Grist-Mill in good order. The terms of sale may be made known by application to Roger Moore, Sheriff of New Hanover County, or Robert Dorsey, merchant, Wilmington.
December 17, 1805

For Sale
At the Subscriber's Cellar under the new Market-House
Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Linseed Oil, Spermaceti Oil, Green Paint, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Filberts, Almonds, Vemicelli Split Pease, moulded Candles of a superior quality, and a parcel of Fresh Garden Seeds.
F Fontaine
Wilmington, January 14, 1806

A great Bargain
For Sale,
A valuable tract of land in the county of Bladen, containing 640 acres, on the north-east side of the North-west of Cape-Fear, twenty miles below Fayetteville and eighteen above Elizabeth, on which is a new dwelling house nearly finished, 30 by 38 feet including Shed and Piazza, a story and an half high; a kitchen, smoke house &c &c. It is well situated and equal in fertility to any tract on the River.
Four hundred acres back land nearly joining the above described tract, which abounds with Light wood for Tar and Pines for Turpentine. Range for cattle and hogs at this place, is nearly if not quite as good as any in the state.
A further description is unnecessary as any person inclined to purchase would previously wish to see it. The price may be known be applying to the subscriber on the premises. Cash or Negroes will be taken in payment, and possession given any time previous to the first day of April ensuing.
M Molton
January 17, 1806

Wilmington, Dec 31st, 1805
In consequence of Mr Samuel R Jocelyn, junior, having from the date hereof, an interest in my business, I have taken the store houses lately occupied by Mr Hallman; where the usual business with some additions, will be carried on under the firm of Gautier & Co.
It being necessary that my former business should be closed, all persons that have claims are requested to hand them in for payment; and those that are in arrears to make payment before the last day of July next, or suits will be instituted.
T N Gautier

Wilmington, Dec 31st 1805
Gautier & Company
Offer for sale at the store houses lately occupied by Mr Hallman an extensive assortment of Ship Chandlery as well as Dry Goods and Groceries of every description.
They have received by late arrivals from the West-Indies a considerable quantity of Sugar, Rum and Coffee.
N.E. Rum in puncheons and Barrels,
Ravens Duck,
Russia Sheeting;
Cotton Bagging
by the piece
Every description of produce will be taken in barter.

For Sale
12 cases of 4-4 & 7-8 Irish Linens
2 ditto of 3-4 brown ditto,
9-8, 8-4, and 10-4 diaper,
10 Quarter casks of Sherry & Lisbon Wine,
8 Pipes 4th proof Brandy,
20 Boxes of Claret of 2 dozen each,
12 Boxes and 6 casks or Raisins, Currants and Almonds,
Window Glass 10 by 8 and 10 by 12,
Hibbert's Brown Stout,
With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware,
at the lowest advance for Produce or good Bills at a short sight by
Rowland Craig
Wilmington, Dec 10, 1805

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, February 18, 1806

The subscribers give information that they have opened their store in the brick building lately occupied by M Rowland Craig, south side of Market-street, where they request all those who have business with them to make application. Having saved their stock of goods from the late conflagration, they have on hand a general assortment which they offer for sale on reasonable terms for cash or produce.
Hooper & Mitchell
Feb 14

The subscribers inform their friends and the public that they have removed their goods to the store formerly occupied by C & R Dudley, next door to the Printing Office.
Willkings, Scott & Co
Feb 15

The subscribers having been driven by the late fire, from the store they formerly occupied, have taken the house belonging to Dr De Rosset, near the old Market and next door west of Mrs Hostler's dwelling house, where they offer for sale a general assortment of West-India goods, cheap for cash or in exchange for any kind of country produce.
C & P Pelham
N.B. Lost on the night of the fire, one barrel Sugar marked P, one bag Pepper, one cask Black Lead, and on half bushel filled with sundry articles not recollected.
C & P P
Feb 18

John Willkings & Co
At present occupy the small stone building in Second Street, south of the market, one door from the south-west corner and opposite the dwelling house of John Willkings.
A Dwelling House for sale.
Apply as above.
Feb 18

Thomas Archibald
Now occupies the store formerly Levy & Carrol's Vendue Store, on the south side of Market-street.
Feb 18

6 Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber on the 16th inst an African boy named Jack, about 13 years old, 4 feet some inches high; had on when he went away a blue Bambo jacket and trousers, and a striped worsted waistcoat. Whoever will give just information or deliver him to Mr Joshua Potts or the subscriber shall receive the above reward.
Masters of vessels are forbid taking the said Negro off under penalty of the law.
Christian Edward Multz
Wilmington, Feb 18

District of the United States
For the District of Cape Fear
Whereas Owen Jones, master of the Schooner Ailey Ann, on behalf of himself, the owners and mariners of said schooner, hath filed a Libel in this Court setting forth that in the month of January last past on the high seas, fell in with the Schooner Frederick, William Appleton master, dismasted and in great distress, and that he the said Owen Jones towed the said schooner into Cape-Fear river. And whereas the said Owen Jones hath by his said Libel prayed an allowance for such services, by way of salvage - and the Judge of said court having appointed the first Tuesday in April next to hear the said Libel, and the matters and things therein set forth. Therefore the said William Appleton, and all others interested in the said Schooner Frederick, her cargo, &c. are hereby notified to be and appear before the Judge of said Court, at the courthouse in Wilmington, on the first Tuesday in April next, then and there to shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the libellant should not be granted; and why the said Schooner Frederick; her cargo &c should not be sold to satisfy such decree as the court aforesaid shall make in the premises, in favor of the said libellant. Herein fail not.
Witness Henry Potter, Judge of said court at Wilmington this 15th day of February 1806, and in the 30th year of Independence.
Carleton Walker, Clerk
and Register of said court.

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, March 11, 1806

Wilmington, Feb. 25, 1806
Information Wanted
If Peter McCallum from the neighbourhood of Tarbart in Arguile shire North Britain, who in the spring of the year 1804, embarked at Greenock, as a Seaman on board the Ship Mary, Captain Bruce, bound to Norfolk in Virginia, and by subsequent accounts went from thence to Wilmington, North Carolina, will apply to the Printer of this Paper, he will hear of his Family who have lately arrived in America; or any information concerning him will be very thankfully received.

Taken up and committed to jail in this town, on the 20th inst, a Mulatto fellow about 5 feet 6 inches high, tolerably well set, has a scar over his right eye, appears to be between 18 and 19 years of age and calls himself John. He says he belongs to John Garman in Charleston, and that he has been runaway about six weeks; very little dependence however can be placed in what he says. The right owner is requested to come and prove his property, pay charges, and take him away.
Benjamin Shepard
Wilmington, Feb 20 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, March 18, 1806

The subscriber informs his friends and the public in general that he has taken the shop adjoining Mr Jacob Hartman's at the corner of Front and Dock-streets, where he has for sale Gold Watch Seals and Keys, Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings, Fancy Combs, Pocket Books, black lead Pencils, Segar Boxes, Razors and Razor Cases, Gilt Watch Chains, Seals and Keys.
Nathaniel Dana, Jun'r
N.B. Watches cleaned and repaired as usual.
Wilmington, Feb 26

Notice is hereby given,
That my wife Mary Woods has absconded from my bed and board without provocation. All persons are therefore forewarned harbouring or crediting her on my account, as I am determined not to pay any debts she may contract from this date.
John Woods
Wilmington, February 25, 1806

Whereas John Woods has given himself the trouble to inform the public in the last week's Gazette that I have absconded from his bed and board, without provocation, I have taken the same method to convince them that I have had the most urgent provocations, amongst which his not providing victuals, cloathing, or any other necessary are the least; but he has had the inhumanity frequently to beat and bruise me even to the danger of my life, which any man of honour, or principle would scorn the idea of doing, and instead of providing for me as he was in duty bound to do, he has infamously robbed me of my wearing apparel and other things that I had collected in my labour. To any person that these reasons are not sufficient for my leaving him, may be an eye witness to his maintaining a mulatto wench in his house to partake of his bed and board, by which he degrades himself beneath the dignity of the brute beasts.
Eliza Woods
Wilmington, March 18

McIntire & Boatwright
Carry on the Black & Whitesmith's business in all its various branches, on Telfair's Wharf; and will furnish captains of vessels and all others with whatever they may want in their line of business, at the shortest notice, well executed and on the most reasonable terms.
Wilmington, March 18

Sheriff's Sale
Will be sold on the 25th March next,
Between 2 & 300 acres of land on the head of Long Creek. Likewise fifty acres adjoining the lands of Samuel Bunting; to satisfy an execution in my hands, Gaven Alves, assignee, &c. vs Samuel Bloodworth.
R Seagrove, D'y Sh'ff
Wilmington, February 25, 1806

Very cheap for cash.
The subscribers are selling off their extensive assortment of Goods at reduced prices; amongst which are Ship Chandlery, Cordage, Groceries of all kinds, Flour, Ship Bread, Pease, Beef, Bees Wax, Tallow, Butter.
Bills on Glasgow or London, by
Anderson & Jones
January 7

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, March 25, 1806

A Card
Dr Scott has the pleasure of informing his friends and the public that during his absence from town, he was fortunate in procuring Vaccine Virus, which has succeeded in the subjects he has inoculated since his return. At a time like the present, when that most dreadful scourage of the human race (the small pox) is so prevalent both in our own and neighbouring states, he conceives it a duty he owes to the public to inform them that he will always have a supply of Matter at his medicinal store in Mr John Martin's house, Front-street.
Wilmington, March 25, 1806

20 Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber about three weeks ago, a negro man named Jack, yellow complexioned, about five feet ten inches high, has a large scar between his eyes, which appears to have been occasioned by the kick of a horse, and is about twenty seven years of age. He is well known in Onslow County, in some part of which I suppose he is now lurking, having heard of his being in the neighbourhood of Swansborough. I will give the above reward for taking up and confining in jail the aforesaid Negro, and in addition thereto will pay all reasonable expenses for having him delivered to me on Topsail Sound, thirteen miles from Wilmington.
Masters of vessels and all other persons are hereby forewarned from carrying away, employing, concealing, or harbouring him under the severest penalties of the law.
Edward St George
March 24, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, April 1, 1806

Taken up and committed to jail in this town on the 12th January last, a black boy about five feet 4 inches high, and has lost one of his fore teeth. He calls himself John and says he belongs to Samuel Waddlesworth of Charleston.
Henry Wright, Jailor
Wilmington, March 25, 1806

To Rent
The house in which the subscriber now lives, with that large lot belonging thereto, the house is calculated for two families; the lot is well fenced in, which encloses (probably) one of the best kitchen gardens in town; the situation is so well known that a description is unnecessary. For terms apply to
Thomas Fitzgerald
For sale or to be leased a valuable plantation in Bladen County, containing 900 acres, of which 200 acres are cleared, and has produced large crops of corn and rice, this  land is about forty miles from Wilmington and seven miles from the N West River. Any persons desirous to treat for the same will of course wish to view it.
Apply as above.
Wilmington, March 25

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, April 15, 1806

Ten Dollars Reward
Run away from the subscriber a negro fellow by the name of John; he is about five feet ten or eleven inches high, likely and well made, being a carpenter by trade and having worked for some time past in Town, it is probably he may lurk within the same. The above reward will be paid to any person who will deliver him to me at my plantation or confine him in Jail so that I get him.
John Poisson
Wilmington, April 15, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, April 22, 1806

The subscriber having obtained letters of administration upon the estate of John Shuter, late of Wilmington, dec, request those who were indebted to the dec to make payment. And those who have demands of his estate are required to present their claims to the subscriber within the time limited by act of assembly - otherwise they will be barred of recovery.
Samuel Shuter, Adm'r
Wilmington, April 14, 1806

Notice is hereby given
Of the decease of George Merrick, Esq, late of New Hanover County, and of the qualification of the subscribers as Executors of his last Will and Testament. All persons therefore who have any demands on the estate of the said George Merrick are required to present them to the subscribers properly attested within the time limited by an act of the General Assembly passed in the year 1789, entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act concerning proving of wills and granting letters of administration and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates estates otherwise they will be barred by the operation of said act; and all persons indebted to said estate are required to come forward and make payment as speedily as possibly, to John MacAuslan, who is authorized to receive such payments and also to receive and adjust the demands against the estate.
John MacAuslan
George M Leech
Wilmington, April 10

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, May 6, 1806

The subscriber being determined to establish an income independent of the cares, anxieties and disappointments attending expectations from Negro Labour, is willing to dispose of the following property; and will receive payment principally in Bank Stock.
The Brick House in Market Street, now occupied by Messrs Hooper and Mitchell.
A Lot in Marsden's or Quince's alley, nearly opposite to the above.
A Lot in Dock-Street, adjoining to and westward of Capt Scott.
The Plantation and Lands late the property of Col James Read, including a Grist and Saw Mill, plenty of well timbered land and a large body of prime Tide Swamp in the very best pitch of the tide and perfectly free form freshes.
A Tide Swamp Tract between Old Town and Clarendon.
A Tract of land joining Rowan containing 350 acres, part of which is Cypress timbered land and the Swamp very fertile.
Sturgeon Creek Plantation where John Roots formerly lived.
1000 acres on the North east River, at Marl Bluff.
Benjamin Smith
April 15th, 1806

Having observed in the three last papers an advertisement by Benjamin Smith offering for sale (among other property) "a tide swamp tract between Old Town and Clarendon." I think it proper to inform the public that Gen Smith owns no such land; having conveyed to James Carson all his lands between Mallary Creek and Old Town Plantation agreeably to which deed I now possess that land.
Any persons wishing further information may satisfy themselves by perusing said deed which is in my possession.
M Campbell
Wilmington, April 26, 1806

For Sale
A House and lot in South Washington, eligibly situated for a Tavern and Store; the house is roomy and well calculated - on the premises is a store house and other necessary out houses, also an excellent garden spot under fence.
For terms apply to
Allen Sloan
South Washington, May 6, 1806

The subscriber informs his customers and the public in general, that he has removed to his former house, the second at the corner of Market and Front-streets, where the Barber's business will be carried on as usual and solicits the favor that has been formerly shewn him.
Philip Bazoadier
Wilmington, May 6, 1806

Notice is hereby given
To all and every person or persons of having any dealings with June Miller, my wife, in her giving any deeds, wills, bills of sale, or any legacies from this date, the 29th day of April 1806. And I hereby further forewarn all and every person or persons, of having any dealings with her or harbouring her, under the penalty of the law. The reason I advertise her is because she said she would leave me and give my property to her older children and leave me and my younger children to suffer.
John Miller

Broke prison in this County on the night of the 30th of April, a man who calls himself Henry Hyat, says he was born in the state of New York; he is a stout well built fellow, of about five feet ten inches high, had no particular marks as we remember of. He stood committed on a charge of robbery.
A reward of Twenty-Five Dollars will be paid for apprehending and returning him to prison.
L Ellis, Jailor
Onslow County, May 1, 1806

For Sale at Public Auction
On Saturday the 24th of May next,
A piece of land on Topsail Sound containing one hundred and twenty acres, about fifteen miles from Wilmington, the property of the late Lewis Hines, deceased. Six months credit will be given with approved security.
Michael Hines
Wilmington, April 29, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, May 20, 1806

John Harris - Taylor
Has taken the shop lately occupied by Mr Daniel McKay in Front-Street where he carries on his business in its various branches, and will be thankful for the custom of those who may please to employ him.
Wilmington, May 13, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, May 27, 1806

For Sale
A Wharf and lot on Eagle's Island known by the name of Amsterdam, the same being 100 feet wide on the river and containing two acres more or less; on which there is a dwelling house and kitchen, apply to
F Fontaine
May 27

The subscriber offers for sale at a very low price, a Philadelphia made Carriage, with plated Harness for four horses. Also a well tun'd Forti Piano, almost new. A long credit, if requested, will be given. He will also rent his dwelling house in Fayetteville, the situation is pleasant and healthy, and capable of accommodating a genteel family. For terms apply to Mr John McMillan, Fayetteville or John Lord, Wilmington.
Robert Donaldson
May 27, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, June 3, 1806

That the co partnership of Christopher Dudley, Sen'r, Christopher Dudley, Jun'r, and Robert Dudley, Merchants trading in Wilmington, NC under the firm of Christopher Dudley and Co is dissolved this day by mutual consent of C Dudley, sen'r and C Dudley, Jun'r in consequence of the supposed loss of Mr Robert Dudley at sea. All persons therefore who have demands against the said firm, and all those indebted to the firm are requested to call on C Dudley, Sen'r for adjustment and settlement of their accounts he being duly authorized to settle the same.
Christopher Dudley
C Dudley, jun'r
Wilmington NC June 1, 1806

Fifty Dollars Reward
Absented himself from the subscriber's plantation at Santee on the second of May, a mulatto fellow named William, by trade a Carpenter and Millwright. He is about thirty years of age, five feet 8 inches high, has rather straight hair, a scar on his forehead and one on his underlip. He has had one of his thumbs split open by a Chissel and is very civil and plausible in his speech. A reward of fifty dollars and all reasonable charges will be paid on his being apprehended  and delivered to the jailor of Georgetown SC or in Charleston to
James Ladson
June 3

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, June 10, 1806

Ten Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber on the 11th of May, a negro man named John, about thirty years of age, five feet six or seven inches high, yellow complected, marked with the small pox, limps a little (though hardly perceivable) occasioned by his thigh being broken when young, speaks French, which is his native language and speaks the English language tolerable plain, has rather a down look - took with him an oznaburgh shirt and trowsers with a number of other clothes. He was stopped on the road leading to Fayetteville, but made his escape, leaving all his clothes except those he had on - it is supposed he intends for Wilmington, where he will endeavor to go on board some vessel as a sailor, which business he has followed and perhaps understands.
The above reward and all charges will be paid for having him secured in any jail in the state, or fifty dollars and all reasonable charges will be paid for having him delivered to the subscriber living in Sneedsborough, Anson County.
All masters of vessels are cautioned against receiving or employing him on board their vessels, as they may have to answer the consequences.
Wm Johnson
Sneedsborough, May 24, 1806

25 Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber about the first of April last, a negro man named Balaam, about forty years of age, nearly six feet high, very black, remarkably flat footed, and the whites of his eyes tinged with yellow. The above reward will be paid to whoever will deliver him to Major James Shepperd, at Stag Park, or Mr Jonathan Williams, on the North East, or lodge him in jail so that I get him again. He has a wife at Mr Wm Davis's it is supposed he will be harboured about that neighbourhood.
Wm F Strudwick
June 8th 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, July 8, 1806

Twenty Dollars Reward
Ran away from the subscriber about three weeks ago, a negro woman named Rachael, she is so well known in this place that a particular description is unnecessary - she was formerly the property of George Merrick, Esq which induces me to think she may be lurking about his plantation on the Sound. I will pay the above reward and all reasonable charges for the delivery of said negro to me in Wilmington.
R Mitchell
Wilmington, June 17

The subscriber respectfully informs his customers and the public in general that he carries on the Shoe-Making Business and, as formerly, and will execute all orders forwarded to him for Negroe Shoes with dispatch at ninety cents per pair; application may be made to Loyd & Anderson in Wilmington, or to the subscriber on South River, Bladen County.
W H Beatty
July 8

The subscriber having taken into Co partnership Mr Robert Stewart. The business in future will be carried on as usual at the store of the subscriber under the firm of Howard & Stewart, therefore it becomes necessary that all persons having open accounts with the subscriber should call at the store of the company and settle them either by paying or giving notes for the amount. Mr R Stewart is fully authorized to settle all accounts and give full discharge for me.
Henry B Howard
Wilmington, June 23, 1806
Henry Urquhart
Wilmington 24th July 1807

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, July 15, 1806

100 Dollars Reward
Missing from his work on Tuesday morning the first inst (supposed to have been stolen by two white men) a negro fellow named John, the property of Nathaniel Russell, Esq of Charleston, said fellow has been in the employment of the subscriber's and their predecessors Savage Smith & Co for a number of years, having been taught the shoe making business at their factory in George-Town, where he has worked ever since. He is a square well set fellow, about five feet five or six inches high, full round face, large cheeks with heavy eye brows, from twenty-five to twenty-seven years old, and speaks rather thick with somewhat of an impediment or stoppage, but very slight, and not perceivable, but when agitated.
The men suspected of stealing him have been about George Town for several days, one of them passed by the name of John Wauix, is well set, square over the shoulders, slender waist, low stature, supposed not more than five feet three or four inches high, light complexion, with light hair which he commonly wore in a quew, and his head pretty flat on the top, generally wore white clothes. The other is a slim man whose description cannot be ascertained. A reward of twenty dollars will be given for the fellow, and one hundred dollars for the white men or either upon conviction of the offense.
Smith & Cuttino
George-Town, SC July 3, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, July 22, 1806

Ran away from the subscriber on the 18th instant, two Negro men, each of them between the age of twenty and thirty, one by the name of Peter, stout and well made, about five feet ten or eleven inches high, has a long rolling carriage in his walk, carried with him four shirts, one of fine linen with broad ribands and collar, two pair of homespun overalls, a pair of country made shoe boots; the other fellow short and well made, about five feet five inches high, by the name of Josh, had with him two homespun shirts, two or three pair of overalls, one of which was striped cassimere and a striped Horseman's jacket, homespun made.
Any person apprehending and securing the said runaways in any jail in this district, or any other in the state, shall receive a reward of twenty dollars.
Frederick Simpson
N.B. All masters of vessels are cautioned against harbouring or employing said negroes under the penalty of the law. Is it supposed they will aim for the state of Virginia or Maryland.
July 22, 1806

Is hereby given, that Robert Muter, late of Wilmington, is dead, and the subscriber has qualified as Executrix upon his estate. All persons indebted to his estate, are requested to make payment, and his creditors are required to come forward and exhibit their demands in manner and within the time limited by an act of Assembly passed in the year 1789.
Margaret Muter, Ex'x
Wilmington, July 19, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, September 2, 1806

Notice is hereby given to all persons whatever that pretend to have any right or claim to a Negro Wench named Sarah, which I purchased from James Harper of Long-creek in New Hanover county, in the year 1798, to come forward in twenty days from the date hereof, and make it appear, otherwise they will be barred from any right or claim for ever after.
John Harper
August 30

A Reward
Of ten dollars will be given to any person or persons for the apprehending and lodging in the custody of the gaoler in Wilmington a fair Mulatto girl by the name of Milly, who absented from the subscriber's service about a fortnight ago. She is well known in and about the town of Wilmington, has her mother living in Fayetteville, to which place she may probably go, it being understood she intends passing herself as free. All persons, ship masters and others, are hereby forbid from harbouring, employing, or carrying her out of this County; and a further reward of twenty dollars will be paid to any person or persons who will give information so as to convince the party of her being any wise harboured or supplied by a white person within the state.
Margaret Muter
August 25

For Sale
A tract of land in Bladen County,
Containing six hundred and forty acres on the East side of Cape Fear, between Wilmington and Elizabeth, well known by the name of the Lisbon Land - the soil is equal, if not superior to any on Cape-Fear, and abounds with White Oak and other timbers of the best quality; there is also on the premises a good Mill Seat convenient to the river.
For terms apply to Wm S Clinton Esq of Sampson County or to the subscriber.
J F Rhodes
Robeson County
Aug 8, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, September 30, 1806

Ten Dollars Reward
Ran away on Wednesday the 17th instant, a bright Mulatto Fellow named Tom, five feet 6 or 7 inches high and well set, 18 or 19 years of age, has the mark of an Anchor done with Indian Ink on his right wrist, a scar over his right eye and another on the lower part of his neck, the latter occasioned by a burn; and formerly belonged to a Mr Davis of South Carolina. He is very artful and no doubt will attempt to get off by sea or land, under pretense of being free; all persons are therefore forewarned against harbouring, employing, or carrying him away. The above reward will be paid for putting him in jail, so that I get him again, and in addition thereto, all reasonable expenses in bringing him to me in Wilmington.
Henry B Howard
Sept 23

Dissolution of Co partnership
The Copartnership under the firm of Willkings Scott and Co was by mutual consent dissolved on the first instant. John Scott having purchased the stock in trade, belonging to the said firm, will settle and pay all demands against them, and is fully authorised to receive all debts due to the company - and therefore earnestly requests immediate payment, that he may be enabled to meet his engagements.
M R Willkings
John Scott
Sept 9 1806

The subscriber has removed from Front-street to the house of Capt Hoskins, a few doors east of the courthouse in Market-street, where he carries on the business of Tailoring as usual. He taks this public method of returning thanks to his customers in Wilmington, and its vicinity, for their very liberal encouragement to him, and hopes he has merited a continuance of their favors.
John McColl
Wilmington, Sept 16

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, October 7, 1806

Deserted from the schooner Hero, William P Mix 2d mate, Thomas Eaustan, seaman, and John Green, cook, who took with them the long boat with 3 oars, 6 or 8 bags Crackers, one case Rum, some back ham's and seven shillings & six pence in money, and some clothing cut of the captains Trunk. Twenty dollars reward will be given for the boat and men.
Jonathan Elwill, Master of said schooner
Oct 7th

For Sale
A tract of land on the East side of Black River, lying between the lines of John Simpson and Alexander Colvin, containing three hundred and twenty acres more or less. The above land is contiguous to the River and is well timbered. A liberal credit will be allowed with approved security if required.
A Fayetteville built boat that will cary about 120 M. Shingles. Payment will be received in Shingles or sawed Lumber delivered in Wilmington in the course of the ensuing Winter. Apply to
R Mitchell
Sept 5

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, October 21, 1806

Ran away from the subscriber in Wake County, North Carolina, on the 9th of March 1805, a Negro man about 22 years of age by the name of Tapley who will pass for a freeman and I expect will alter his name. I was informed by a Negro Man of Isham Blakes in Fayetteville, that he has seen him frequently on the River between Fayetteville and Wilmington and in Wilmington, and that the said runaway had been several voyages to the West-Indes in some of the Wilmington vessels, and is now supposed to be about Wilmington. He and Mr Blake's Negro being long acquainted was the reason for his going down that course. The said Negro may be known by a nice examiniation, on the chin may be seen a small scar, and I have heard since he left me that his leg was broke when he was small; he is a tall well built mulatto fellow, it is supposed that a white man was his father, was born and raised in Orange county in this state. Any person who will take up the said fellow & confine him in any jail so that I get him shall be well rewarded by me.
George Herndon
October 10

Taken up on the 24th ultimo, on Brown's Bank and now in my possession, an African Negro man about five feet eight inches high, and spare made, he has no particular markes, speaks little or no English and calls himself Ben.
Any person proving the property and paying charges may take him by applying in Swansborough to
Owen Jones
Oct 1st 1805

All persons indebted to the estate of Butler Ashford, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment and htose to whom the said estate are indebted are required to present their accounts properly attested within the time limited by law, otherwise they will be barred of recovery.
Sarah Ashford, Ex'x
Oct 21

On Wednesday, the 22nd inst will be sold at the dwelling house of the late Butler Ashford, the personal property of his estate, consisting of a horse and chair, carpenter's tools, and sundry articles of household furniture - at the same time the dwelling house will be rented for 12 months.
Sarah Ashford, Ex'x
Wilmington, Oct 21, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, November 18, 1806

Sheriff's Sale
On the 20th day of December nect, will be sold at the Court-House in Wilmington, a tract of land with the improvements thereon (Sloop-Point) to satisfy sundry executions vs Daniel McClammy, returnable to January Court. There is a good house with out houses thereon, and the land is of an excellent quality. A further description is unnecessary as it is well known.
Wm Nutt, Sh'ff
Nov 18

The subscribers respectfully inform the inhabitants of Wilmington and its vicinity, that they have opened a shop adjoining Mr Carsey's where they intend carrying on the Tayloring Business, and will be thankful for their custom.
Those who may think proper to employ them may be assured that their work will be done with neatness and the greatest dispatch, and in the latest fashions.
P H Smith
J Collins
Nov 17

For Sale
A tract of land on the sound eight miles from town, containing about 300 acres, adjoining lands belonging to Major Walker, and is as pleasant a situation as any on the Sound for summer residence.
Possession may be had on the first day of January next.
Apply to
Richard Langdon
November 17

On the 2d of November 1806, two rafts belonging to Thomas Larkins of Sampson County, left N Peterson's landing for Wilmington - on their way down the river, took up sundry slaves & heading W Oak hhd. & bbl. which were sold by the subscriber to Messrs Willkings Scott & Co, for 23 dollars and 20 cents. Any person who can make it appear that the property is his by applying to said subscriber and paying the expences, can have the proceeds.
Thomas Larkins
Nov 18

James Perin
Informs his old Friends and Customers, that he has taken a shop in Front Street where he carries on the Saddle and Harness making business in all its various branches,
He has now on hand and for sale,
Men's and Women's Saddles of the first quality, Harnesses plated and common.
A handsome assortment of Trunks, Whips, &c. - all of which he will sell cheap for cash.
November 18

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, November 25, 1806

Notice is hereby given,
That the subscriber, at the last county court held for the county of New Hanover, was appointed and qualified as Administrator (with the Will annexed) of Isaac Baldwin, lately deceased. He therefore requires all persons having demands against the estate of the late Baldwin, to present them legally attested within the time limited by an Act of the General Assembly of North Carolina entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled An Act concerning proving of wills and granting of letters of administration and to prevent frauds in the management of intestates' estates," otherwise they will be barred of recovery. Those indebted are requested to make immediate payment.
William Dick, Adm'r
Wilmington, Nov 25

Samuel Parmele
From New York
Respectfully informs the Inhabitants of Wilmington and its vicinity, that he has lately commenced the Cabinet Business at the house of James Richard, where he will supply his customers at the shortest notice and in the neatest manner.
Orders from the country will be particuarly attend to.
November 24

John Parmele
From New York
Respectfully informs the inhabitants of Wilmington & its vicinity that he has lately commenced the Blacksmith's Business in all its various branches, at his shop on Peter Carpenter's Wharf, and has for sale on more reasonable terms than can be bought in town, Axes of all sizes made by his own hands and warranted good. All other kinds of Iron Work made in the neatest manner and at the shortest notice.
November 24

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, December 2, 1806

Notice is hereby given,
That I purpose moving to the state of Georgia and offer all my lands for sale, being 1035 acres, 320 of which is good corn land; nearly 100 acres cleared, the rest good turpentine and tar land, and convenient to Topsail Inlet, with good marsh range in the winter and good summer range in the back woods. There are on the premises two good dwelling houses, barn, kitchen, &c. also the Tavern at the cross roads occupied by Mrs King. For further particulars, apply to
Benajah King
December 1

All persons indebted to the estate of Priscilla Sill, late of New Hanover county, deceased, are requested to make payment, and those having demands against the said estate are hereby notified to present their accounts properly attested to the subscriber, within the period prescribed by law, otherwise they will be barred of recovery.
Thomas Cowan, Adm'r
Wilmington, Nov 4, 1806

Proclamation of Outlawry
State of North Carolina
New Hanover County
By Hanson Kelly & Samuel Bloodworth, Esquires, two of the Justices of the Peace of the said county.
Whereas complaint hath been this day  made to us, by R Mitchell of the said county, that a certain negro slave belonging to him named Rachael, hath absented herself from her said master's service, and is lurking about in the county, committing many acts of felony.
These are therefore in the name of the state to command the said slave Rachael forthwith to surrender herself and return home to her said master. And we do hereby also require the Sheriff of the said county of New Hanover to make diligent search and pursuit after the above mentioned slave, and her having found, to apprehend and secure so that she may be conveyed to her said master, or otherwise discharged as the law directs. And the said Sheriff is hereby empowered to raise and take with him such power of his county as he shall think fit, for apprehending the said slave. And we do hereby by virtue of an Act of Assembly of this state concerning servants and slaves, intimate and declare, if the said slave Rachael does not surrender herself and return home, immediately after the publicaion of these presents, that any person may kill and destroy the said slave, by such means as he or they may think fit, without accusation or impeachment of any crime or offense for so doing, or without incurring any penalty or forfeiture thereby.
Given under our hands and seals this 11th day of October 1805, and in the 31st year of the independence of the said state.
Hanson Kelly
Samuel Bloodworth

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, December 23, 1806

The public are requested to guard against the villainy of a particular man who calls himself John Snowden. He professes the house carpenter and cabinet business, is of a middle stature, five feet 7 or 8 inches high, full featured, stoop shouldered, brown hair, and when coversing has a down look. He made his elopement from this place on the 7th inst where he resided for several months back, cheating and committing frauds on his brother workman as well as on men of other occupation - and at last made choice of dark for light, to get clear of any charge, and escape punishment. It is uncertain which rout he has taken, but is it conjectured he is gone towards Fayetteville or Charleston.
Wilmington, December 9, 1806

The Wilmington Gazette
Tuesday, December 30, 1806

For Sale
A valuable plantation on the North East River adjoining South Washington containing six hundred and forty acres, one hundred of which is under good fence, the whole adopted to the culture of corn, cotton and rice. There are on the premises a tolerable good dwelling house and convenient out houses. For terms apply to the subscriber in So Washington.
T M Bloodworth
Nov 18

To Be Sold - low for cash or Young Negroes,
1300 acres of land about 30 miles above Fayetteville on the north-east side of the river, a high pleasant situation on which are good springs, and a Grist Mill on an excellent stream, a good dwelling House and convenient out houses. There is open land enough to work ten or twelve task hands. It points about one mile and an half on the river. The low land inferior to none on the river - the high land well adapted to the culture of wheat and tobacco.
For terms apply to
Samuel Northington
November 10

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