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The copyright of this material is held by the Estate of Mary Hinton Kerr and is not public domain.
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DB-A, page 196

WILLIAM TABB to PHILIP BURFORD. 1 May 1765. 45 Pds. Va. money for 300 A. bought from HENRY LONG, on branches of Robersons Mill Creek, adj. BOWDEN, KENDRICK, JOHN ABERNATHY, which HENRY LONG had bought from CAPT. JOHN HAWKINS and where he had lived. Wit: THOMAS WILLSON, WILLIAM GREEN, DENNIS PASCHALL. Proved by THOMAS WILLSON, Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 15 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 198

ARTHUR WILLIAMS to HENRY GARNER. 30 April 1765. 30 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. where WILLIAM HALCOMB formerly lived, adj. JOSEPH HALCOMB. Wit: B. WARD, JAS. JONES. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH,C.C. Reg: 15 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 199

JOHN BENNETT to JOSEPH PERSON. 30 April 1765. 25 Pds. Va. money for 175 A. on WS Indian Cabin Branch, half of a survey taken up by SOLOMON ATKINSON and sold to JOHN SMART from whom JOHN BENNETT bought it. Wit: SOLOMON ALSTON,JR., THOS. JACKSON. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 15 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 200

BENJAMIN RUSH, planter, to THOMAS BELL. 26 April 1765. 20 Sh: for 7C A. on Benja. Rush's line on SS Lion's Creek 30 yds. below Bell's Mill, on dividing line between Bell & Rush. No witnesses. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 15 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 201

GEORGE LAMBKIN, Gent. & Wife HANNAH to ROBERT JONES, JR., of Northampton Co., Attorney at Law. 20 April 1765 202 Pds. Va. money for 600 A. on BS Bowhouse Creek, adj. EATON, bought 18 April 1758 from GEORGE HOLLAWAY who had bought it from WILLIAM MOSS 22 May 1756, an EARL GRANVILLE Grant to MOSS, of 640 A. in Granville Co., 12 May 1756. Wit: BENJAMIN PERSON, BENJ. McCULLOCH. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, HANNAH having relinquished dower rights before THOMAS EATON, Esq., BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 16 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 203

RICHARD HALCUMB to ARTER WILLIAMS, both of Granville Co. 30 Jan. 1764. 15 Pds. Va. money for 100 A. in Granville Co. where WILLIAM HALCOMB now lives,. adj. JOSEPH HALCUMB. Wit: EDWARD CARLILE, JOHN MEGLEMIRE. Proved by JOHN MEGLEMRE, Bute April Court 1765, BEN MCCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 16 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 205

RICHARD COLEMAN, Sr. to RICHARD COLEMAN, JR. 1 May 1765. 50 Pds. Va. money for 200 A. on SS Sixpound Creek, adj. WM. SHEARIN, JOHN NUCCOLS & WILLIAM NOLES, a grant to JOS. KIMBALL. Wit: JOHN HARRIS. Ack: Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 17 July 1765, SUGAN JOHNSON, P.R.

DB-A, page 206

JAMES BRASER(BRAIZER) & Wife SARAH to JOHN TOWNSEND,SR., of Caroline Co., Va. 20 Feb. 1765. 150 Pds. Va. money for 789 A., two tracts of land: 1. by patent, 329 A. on SS Tarr R. & Bellie's Creek, adj. SIMMS; 2. 460 A. adj. first tract. Wit: WILLIAM BRACK, JAMES MURRY, WILLIAM BRAZER, JOHN TOWNSEND. Proved by WILLIAM BRACK & JOHN TOWNSEND,JR., Bute April Court 1765, BEN McCULLOCH, C.C. Reg: 17 July 1765, SUSAN JOHNSON, P.R.

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