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Beaufort Co., NC Estate Records

1735 - 1933

C. R. X. Boxes 134 - 143

At the North Carolina Division
of Archives and History


Estate Records typically contain one or more of the following materials: Petitions for the division of lands, slaves and other property; Petitions for relief; Petitions for dower; Administrators' oaths and bonds; Receipts of handling of estates; Petitions by administrators for sales from estates; Accounts of sales of estates showing buyer and price; Personal letters; Bills to estates; Court petitions over administrators' disputes; Lunatic bonds; Applications for letters of administration; and numerous other miscellaneous materials.

We previously posted a file of the Beaufort County Estate Records found at the N.C. State Archives which was recently updated by the Archives Staff and transcribed by our volunteers Kitty Humphrey and Louise McLeod, who proofed the original list against the actual Archive folders.

However, this is not a complete list of all Beaufort County Estate Records. At some time in the past, and for some unknown reason, a number of Beaufort County records, including estates, were removed from the old Beaufort Courthouse and to the old Poor House in Little Washington for storage. Here they remained for some time and were later moved to the N.C. State Archives in Raleigh. However, since these records had been out of the hands of Beaufort County and N.C. State official, these records were designated "CRX" and considered "tainted", although most of them were most likely in perfect order. The official explanation is:

We are now in the process of posting online an index of the data contained in the CRX Boxes 134-183 of the Beaufort Co., NC Estates Records from the N.C. State Archives, Raleigh, NC. This data was transcribed in 1989 by the late John H. Oden, III, Sybble Smithwick and Louise M. Cowell. We are grateful to Louise Cowell for sharing this data with all Beaufort researchers.


Box 134 - 143 (Abel - Cutler)
Box 144 - 153 (Cutler - Hathaway)

Box 154 - 163

(Hathcock - Martin)
Box 164 - 173 (Mason - Short)
Box 174 - 183 (Shute - Younger)

To Order Copies of Estate Records, Wills, etc., see:


Contact Information:
Phone: (919) 807-7310
Fax: (919) 733-1354

Mail should be addressed to:
North Carolina State Archives
4614 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N.C. 27699-4614

Source: Beaufort Co., N. C. Estate Records, C. R. X. Boxes 134 - 183; N.C. State Archives, Raleigh, NC.
Transcribed by John H. Oden, III, Sybble Smithwick and Louise M. Cowell; Beaufort County Genealogy Society; Feb. 17, 1989.

© 2007 McGowan/Sheppard

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