WCGS January 20 Meeting

Just a reminder
After such a cold two weeks, Wednesday is predicted to be a beautiful day to get out and go somewhere.

WCGS will meet briefly at 2:00 PM at the Masonic Lodge Hwy 32, on Wednesday January 20. Then we’ll go to the Washington County Courthouse in Plymouth where Keith Phelps, Deputy CSC, will guide us on a tour of the Courthouse offices which house the genealogical information we’re all searching for.

This is an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with the courthouse and its wealth of records which are now hiding your family’s genealogical secrets. Who better to show us around than one who is in there on a daily basis and is so willing to share with us?

We’ll close the meeting at the lodge where we can talk it out over some Coke and cookies (or something!)

I think this is one meeting you will not want to skip. Keith is anxiously waiting for us at the courthouse.

Please join us Wednesday.

See you then,
Virginia Haire, WCGS President

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