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Vance County and The Elections


Once upon a time, Vance County was looked upon as a gauge as to how the Country would vote when it came to the Presidential Elections. Nutbush Precinct was always the first location in North Carolina to report their number of votes, and almost always, the candidate that received the most votes went on to win the Presidency.  There were numerous newspaper accounts across the Country about the election returns in Vance County, and the following are samples of some of the more famous Election Day articles from across the country:


The Reading Eagle, Tuesday, November 8, 1932

(Regarding the 1932 Election for President; Nominees were Franklin D.
Roosevelt and the incumbent, Herbert Hoover)

No Votes for Hoover
Henderson, N.C., Nov. 8 (AP)
Nutbush Precinct in Vance County, the first in North Carolina to report in today's general election, gave Roosevelt 24, Hoover 0. The State Democratic ticket headed by Robert R. Reynolds, United States Senate candidate, received the same number of votes, the Republican ticket none.


The Miami Daily News, November 7, 1944


 Henderson, N.C., Nov. 7 (AP)
The 21 registered voters of Nutbush Precinct, in the northern part of Vance County, Tuesday, kept their time-honored reputation of being the first precinct in North Carolina to report its vote.  By 10 o'clock, every vote was counted, and every voter had voted a straight Democratic ticket.  In 1940, Nutbush cast 24 votes for Roosevelt and none for Willkie.


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