North Carolina Archives
Loose Estate Papers
Tyrrell County (C.R.096.508.07), Box 7
Bateman, Isaac, 1818

There are about 18 documents in this file all relating to a suit by John Micheau against the executors of Isaac Bateman for recovery of debt that began in 1818 and concluded in late 1819. It was apparently unsuccessful, for there is an execution against John Micheau for court costs of the executors of Isaac Bateman. The significant thing that can be drawn from these docuents is that Isaac Alexander apparently died testate with a will that no longer exists and that his executors were Daniel Bateman & Enoch Leary.

Account of sales of the property of John Micheau sold for ready money on 5 Aug 1820 by virtue of two executions, one in favor of the executors of Isaac Bateman and one in favor of Samuel Childs. Sale conducted by John Beasly Deputy Sheriff for Henry Alexander Sheriff. Sales totalled 110.27. Return to Tyrrell County Probate Records

Updated June 14, 2020
Charles W. Barnes