Surveyed by Woodford Sherrill and Jack Ingram
Turn off SR 1424 (Gibson Mill Rd) onto SR 1486 (BeaverDam Church Rd) go .6 mile and turn right; 
go .9 mile on Timer Rd. Take second fork and cemetery is on the left. Directions by Kelly Dunn Frye 

Contact: Myrtle Bridges

Ball Infant	----  ---- 
Craft Infant	----  ---- 
Dunn 11 Infants	----  ---- 
Balls Sarah N.	4-18-1894	3-18-38	 
Dawkins	Nancy L.	----  ---- 
Dunn Annie C.	----  ---- 
Dunn Annie L.	9-23-1872	11-6-51	w/o Bishop Dunn
Dunn Bishop	4-3-1869	11-13-13	 
Dunn Holly D.	----  ---- 
Dunn Sarah J.	7-10-1894	12-10-30	w/o John T. Dunn
Dunn John T.	5-29-1891	5-25-37	 
Dunn Sarah Jane	1871	6-13-07	 
Dunn Walter	12-25-1862	3-13-41	 
Dunn William Irvin	6-17-06	 1-4-72	
Hudson Infant	----  ----  
Lovin Alice	----  ---- 
Lovin Beadie	----  ---- 
Lovin John D.	----  ---- CSA Co.'F' 32nd NC Infantry
Lovin John R.	5-11-1866	3-18-44	 
Lovin Kate	----  ---- 
Lovin Mattie	----	10-16-52	 
Lovin Molly	----  ---- 
Lovin Sarah	----  ---- 

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This page created February 25, 2002
Revised December 20, 2014