Fayetteville Observer, November 26, 1855 Issue

Myrtle Bridges   October 12, 2009

We have been requested to call the attention of the good people of Richmond County, (whose population is excelled by none
in the State for morality and intelligence,) to what is represented a a great nuisance --the Fair held semi-annually at Laurel 
Hill in that county. We understand that it is generally a scene of rowdyism, fraud, gambling, drinking, and fighting; but that 
the Fair last week exceeded all its predecessors in the extent to which evil practices of all kinds were indulged in, whilst
the amount of legitimate business transacted is said to have been unusually small. In addition to the ordinary evils attending 
the assemblage, we are told that on the late occasion there was the extraordinary one of a set of new York gamblers, with tents, 
faro banks, etc., and that they were successful in fleecing their dupes out of large amounts of money. And further, that there 
were numerous awful fights among the men present.

Now whatever may be the convenience or the profit to those who go there to transact regular business, it appears to us that 
they can furnish no compensation for such monstrous evils; and that the respectable people of Richmond owe it to themselves, 
to their families, and especially to the rising generation, to put an end at once and forever, to the source of so much evil 
and crime. An application to the Legislature by the people of the county or the neighborhood, would readily ensure the passage 
of a prohibitory law. We believe that such a one was passed several years ago, but afterwards repealed. It is not our province
to do more than suggest to the people of that county a measure so important to their own interest and character. The action
will have to proceed from them.

Fayetteville Observer, December 06, 1858 Issue

Myrtle Bridges   October 18, 2009

The Fourth annual Fair of the Richmond County Agricultural Society was held at Laurel Hill, on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of last week. It was largely attended by the citizens of Richmond and Robeson, and passed off pleasantly and 
satisfactorily. The members of the society, and especially the officers, were highly gratified at its success, and are
encouraged to look forward with bright hopes to the Fair of next year. The contributions, by a rule of the Society, were
confined to such articles only as were made or produced within the past year, which caused them to be less in number than
at the previous fair, but this deficiency was made up by their superior quality and better sellection.

Floral Hall formed the centre of attraction, and it richly merited this honor. Quilts seemed to predominate, and they were
indeed beautiful; next in number, were handsome counterpanes, blankets and spreads; these, together with mill fabrics, domestic
goods generally, and a great variety and beauty of the work in this department convinced me that the ladies of Richmond know
how to work, and that their industry, taste and skill are truly commendable and patriotic.

In the Farmers Department were very fine specimens of corn, sweet potatoes, turnips, beets, colworts, bacon, hams, apples and a
variety of other things.

The annual address was delivered on Thursday by John W. Leak, Esq., of Richmond County, an intelligent and successful farmer, who
proved himself to be eminently qualified to instruct others in agricultural pursuits. His speech abounded in interesting facts
and statements with regard to the farm, its management and improvement, and met with the hearty approbation of the large and
attentive audience present. Every farmer present, I think, must have felt, after hearing this speech, that he ought to turn over
a new leaf in the improvement of his farm.

At the conclusion of the speech, the list of premiums was read by Mr. Livingston, the Secretary of the Society. The best yield 
of corn on one acre was 48 bushels; best on 50 acres 17 1/2 per acre. Miss C. McLauchlin had the best acre of wheat, 13 1/2 bushels, 
and also the best apples. J. C. McEachin was the largest exhibitor in the livestock department; Dr. Patterson the largest exhibitor 
generally; Mrs. Dr. Patterson the largest in the ladies department; Miss E. McLauchlin the handsomest painting; Miss S. Livingston, 
moss landscape, very pretty. Dr. O. P. Luther the best trotting horse, time 340.

Among the curiosities on exhibition was a bachelor quilt of singular construction; it was the work of several ladies, each contributing 
one square with her name upon it. The quilt being thur completed, presented a variety of colors and figures, farming an emblem I suppose 
of a poor lone bachelor's life. By the by, I was told bachelors were numerous in that region, and I don't see why they should be, for I 
saw at  least twenty dozen handsome ladies at the fair, and I felt confident they would all make good wives.

Fayetteville Observer, April 11, 1859 Issue

Myrtle Bridges   October 18, 2009

Messrs. E.J. Hale & Son:--It is known to almost every person that we have in Richmond County what is called the "Scotch Fair";
and that persons from all parts of the State, and from other States, make it a place of resort for the purpose of gambling in all its 
various forms. There has not been any tax upon them; but there is a tax on all traders. Those who follow gambling carry off more money 
than all others thgether, and they place a temptation before the young men which they cannot resist, and eventually ruining many of them.
Therefore, I am determined to break it up, as I have the law on my side, besides every good citizen of the county. This is to give them
warning in time, that they may not come there for the purpose above stated, as I shall have a guard for the purpose of arresting all who 
shall be caught at any game of chance where money is staked, and shall bind them to court, to be further dealt with. 
							Jas. T. Bostick
Papers in favor of suppressing this evil are requested to copy.	

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