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Oxford Public Ledger

July 16, 1903

History Of Granville County

Oxford Methodist Church, Continued

Granville County Muster Roll

By William H. Harrison

Chapter III

As I stated in the last article, I give some other facts about the history of the Oxford Methodist church. While the old Church first erected was in use there was no patronage, the pastors renting their places of residence. One of them, Rev. Mr. Gannon, lived at the house now occupied by Rev. R. I. Devin.


One of the most saintly characters who ever belonged to the old church was Mrs. Betsey Peace. She lived in a small two room cabin located on the lot now occupied by Col. W. R Ballou, she was very poor, but was rich in faith and was a source of help and inspiration to the church, particularly to the younger members. She was a general favorite with the children of the town and was widely known in this section for the gentleness of her Christian character. She lived to be one hundred years old.

Another character much beloved by the church was Miss Lucy Ballard, who was a member of Judge Robert Gilliam’s household. She was a deeply pions woman who loved her church above everything else and devoted her life to its service.


These have all gone to their reward. They worked under many disadvantages and discouragements. They had not the equipment either in attractive houses of worship or methods which the church of today has, but they had plenty and courage and faith worked well and faithfully, laying the foundations for the larger work of today. They were indeed, the pioneers of Christianity in this section.


As far back as the year 1859 the church had a well-organized Sunday school ably superintended by Mr. John W. Hays of this eminently pious, gifted and useful man it is useless for me to speak at length. His memory is fresh in the affections of his church and of the whole town. For forty four years he was Superintendent of the Oxford M. E. Sunday school and a leader in every work for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom, No eulogy of him at my hands is needed. He record of service for others is his monument.


In 1869 the church recently vacated was built. At that time the congregation was not so large but the few who led were zealous and determined and by hard work erected this, a much more convenient and attractive house of worship. From this time forward the church began steadily to grow in numbers, strength and efficiency. In 1859 the church was in a prosperous condition. The teachers at that date were Mrs. E. W. Owens, Mrs. John W. Hays, Mrs. Willis Grandy and Mrs. Mollie Frink. Mrs. Jno W. Hays continued as Superintendent.


Ten years later in the year 1870 we find the following teachers: Mrs. A. S. Peace, Mrs. M. L. Hargrove, Mrs. Mary Livingstone, Mrs. Jesse Fuergerson, Mrs. Em Hobgood, and Mrs. John W. Hays. 1890 shows some other changes, some dropping out and others taking up the noble work. The following is the roll at that day:

Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt, Mrs. Mollie Frink, Miss Lelia Routon, Miss Mary Williams, Miss Bettie Whifield, Mrs. Kate Whitfiled, Dr. Graham Hunt, Mrs. J. C. Hundley, Mr. W. T. Lyon and Mrs. J. S. Brown. 


Since 1890 the Sunday school has been in a most prosperous condition, kin 1902 the elegant brick church on College street was completed at a cost of $16,000 which in every way meets the needs of the growing congregation. The membership of the church is larger than ever before, the Sunday school numbers almost two hundred and all the work of the church is progressing well. Mr. R. L. Brown is now Superintendent and A. A. Hicks, Esq., assistant. Mrs. A. A. Hicks is chorister, Miss Daisy Minor, organist,  Mr. William Minor, secretary, Mr. Wallace White, Librarian, Mr. Wm. R. Pegram, assistant Librarian and Mr. L. B. Turner, treasurer. The present teachers (1903) in the Sunday school are: Mrs. M. E. Bobbitt, Mrs. M. L. Hargrove, Mrs. A. S. Peace, Miss Lela Routon, Mrs. Kate Hays Fleming, Mrs. S. M. Hobgood, Mrs. Melvi, Mrs. Kate Brown, Miss Mary Williams, Miss Etta Peace, Miss Ferrabow, Messrs. A. a. Hicks, J. S. Brown, and Dr. C. D. H. Fort.


The present Pastor, Rev. A. McCullen, is now (1903) completing his fourth year with the Oxford church. He served the church well and is recognized as a strong preacher and as an efficient and aggressive pastor. Under his pastorate the new church has been built and paid for and the work of the church has made much advancements.


Mr. McCullen was born in Kinston, NC., April 29th, 1859. He was educated at Kinston Academy. In May, 1880, he was licensed to preach, and was ordained and entered the ministry regularly in 1882. Since that time he has devoted his entire time to preaching, having acceptably served the following charges: Louisburg, Warrenton, Henderson, Redsville, Carthage and Oxford In North Carolina. For some time he was pastor of Park M. E. Church at Hannibal, Mo., at which place he was highly successful. This is one of the important churched in the Missouri Conference, Hannibal being a town about the size of Wilmington, NC.


Granville County Muster Roll


Below I give the old Granville Muster roll for the year 1771, just before the Revolutionary war. In this list there are, no doubt, many names of men whose descendants are now living in Granville. Some of our people particularly the older men, will recognize the names as those of their ancestors. This being so they can but be of interest to them.


It will be remembered that this list was made from the old annual muster in the early days when some place selected in each county and the militia was reviewed and inspected.


Many in this list, doubtless, fought long and bravely in the great struggle for liberty in the war of the Revolution. There are many named below which are familiar names in Granville today. Some of the names are curious and amusing, such as Paton Medicine, Jno. Rudolph buzzard, & etc. I give the list just as they are on the records as to head lines spelling, Etc.



“ A list of Militia commanded by Capt. Williams the 3rd of October, 1771.


John Winston, Lieutenant, Joseph Williams, ensign; Daniel Williams, Elisha Sims and William Dodson, Sergeants; Jno. Brown and Britian Johnson, Corporals. Privates: William Hardgrove, Ormond Morgan, William Brown, Sr., William Brown, Jr., Sherwood Sims,Jr., Thomas Sims, Thomas Keay, James Buchanan, Joseph Sinsey, Richard Searcey, Joseph Moore, Simon Francis Williams, William Wallace, Jas. Wallace, Guy Wallace, Stephen Turner, William Cooper, Samuel Whealer, William Todd, Benjamin Guy, Elisha Paschal, Jno. Paschal, David Hammuck, Obadiah Earis, William Sims, Thomas Peel, William Moss, Jno. Elom, Geo. Wilson, Henry Wilson, john Chadwick, Dan’l Goodman, Joseph Goodman, Simon Wright, Gilliam Norwood, Benjamin Johnson, William Johnson, Abraham Mitchell, Thomas Brown, Charles Dodson, Henry Freeman, Samuel Chapman, William Myars, John Huit, Jechonias Waldrop, John Gilliam, John Mitchell, Jr., Nathaniel Robinson, Thomas Jones, Jno. Wall Jones, Peter Williams, William Cuningham, William Kennon, Benjamin Roberson, Benjamin Goodman, Richard Roberson,--- Total 60.


Command of Capt. John Walker, Granville Regiment.


Richard Wilkins, Lieutenant, Wm. Bryars, ensign; Augustus Davis, 1st sergeant; William Vickary, 2nd Sergeant Benjamin Ragland, 3rd Sergeant Richard Johnson, Lewis Davis and Daniel Clayton, corporals, Alexander Duglas, drummer, Privates: Jeremiah Ward, Goodman Ward, Josiah Chumley, Jesse Barnett, Frederick Davis, Joseph Barnett, Miles Buzbee, Henry Williams, Henry Morse, Pumfrect Davis, Stephen Wilson, John Williamham, Jesse Harper, William Duglas, James Butler, Granville Davis, Henry Burch, Jordan Norwood, Solomon Walker, Zachariah Hester, Drury Buzbee, Howel Morse, Gideon Davis, Thomas Killey, Burril Collins, William Vickary, Jr., Timothy D. Niscall, Samuel Tines, Ellison Harvey, Charles Carter, Caleb Caps, Fennel Marks, Augustus Davis, Jr., Augustus Davis Younger, William Johnson, James Satterwhite, Thomas Butler, Stephen Potter and William Cook,---Total 47.


These names will be completed in the next article.


{To Be Continued}





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