J.F. Rabb Dead.

From the May 9, 1913 Maiden section of the Newton newspaper.

Lenior, May 6. - This morning about 8 o'clock, after an illness of a week or more, J.F. Rabb died of a complication of diseases at his home in the western part of town. For about 18 years Mr. Rabb had been a resident of this section, having moved here from Maiden, in Catawba County.

Mr. Rabb was president of the Blue Ridge Bending Company, and had other business interests here. He was a good business man of sound judgment.

About a year ago Mr. and Mrs. Rabb celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, which proved to be the happiest event in their lives of recent years, at which time all the children and grand-children gathered around the old folks, except one son and family who reside in Texas. The deceased was a Confederate soldier and at the time of his death was 73 years old. He is survived by an aged wife, two sons, and four daughters.

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