
Lee County, North Carolina

















Lee Co. Newspapers
The Carthage Blade Local Briefs - January 2 1890
Transcribed by Glenda Biggerstaff


Names mentioned: A person may be in more than one article.

Adams, W J
Black, J C
Black, Lula
Black, W E
Blue, W M
Brooks, Charlie V
Cameron, W P Jr
Campbell, John
Clark, I N
Cole, Ella R
Cox, W R
Currie, Sheriff
Curtain, Geo W
Douglass, Mr.
Douglass, W C
Ferguson, Dannie          
Foote, H A Jr
Frye, Addie
Frye, Milly
Graves, G C
Hannon, A
Hornaday, J A
Jackson, J W
Jones, W T
Kelly, Jno B
Kelly, Joe
Kelly, V F
King, J F
Kivett, W M
McCallum, J V          
McIver, Jas D
McLeod, G Dr
McLeod, J A
McNeill, A H
Payne, W T
Phillips, R M
Ray, A A
Rodgers, Lilly
Scott, Chas
Scott, Kate
Seawell, J S
Shaw, A R
Shaw, C J
Shaw, John Dr
Shaw, T J
Shields, Prof
Stogner, Lewis
Vick, A C
Vick, Neill
Watson, Sibbie
Watson, W F
Williams, Q A

X The Cross (x) Mark opposite your name indicates that your subscription is due, and carries with it an invitation for you to settle up arrears and renew. If you want the paper any more, and desire to avoid trouble, you will do well to heed this notice. After this week we are going to mark off the dead-heads and proceed to collect under the Postal Laws. We notified you about six weeks ago of your indebtedness to Jan. 1st. 1890. Send us the amount and your renewal for 1890 by return mail, if you want the paper any longer. Hereafter, our terms will be strictly cash in advance, and every paper discontinued at expiration of time paid for.



Write it 1890

Read our advertisements.

Subscribe for the BLADE!

Miss Sibbie Watson is visiting town.

A happy New Year to all our readers.

See notice of Iron Safe for sale by McIver and Black.

See notice of valuable land for sale by McIver and Neal.

The schools re-open for the Spring Term next Monday.

County Commissioners meet in regular session next Monday.

See land sale by W. J. Adams and J. C. Black, Commissioners.

See notice of summons and attachment by John Campbell, J.P.

We hope the boys will stick to the good resolutions made yesterday.

The weather through the holidays was the most delightful we ever saw.

Read McMillan's new advertisement. He will treat you right if you trade with him.

W. E. Black has an attractive advertisement in this issue. Your attention is directed to it.

Remember the sale of land by A. Hannon, mortgagee, which takes place here next Monday.

Mess. A. C. and Neill Vick, of Jonesboro, are on a visit to relatives and friends here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Phillips, of Jonesboro, spent Xmas in and near town, with friends and relatives.

You turned over a "new leaf" yesterday. Now try and see if you can't keep it unsullied through the year.

Misses Lula Black and Dannie Ferguson attended a party at Lemon Spring Station on Friday night last.

Yes, we agree with the young lady who thinks half past ten late enough for the boys to stay when they go calling.

"A green Christmas, a fat graveyard: If this holds good we may look for a great deal of sickness during the year.

The State Sunday School Convention for Moore County will convene in Carthage next Tuesday, the 7th inst.

The Methodist Christmas Tree Xmas morning was well loaded with presents, many of them being very handsome.

Merchants are required by law to return to the Register of Deeds by Jan. 10th a list of their purchases during the last six months.

There have been a number of parties and dances in the surrounding country during the holidays. Some of our town boys have been off nearly every night.

Ask the merchants who advertise with us if it does not pay to invest in printer's ink. W. E. Black says it is the best investment he has ever made.

We had the pleasure of attending a delightful dance at Mr. Jno B. Kelly's on last Friday night. We cannot recall a time when we enjoyed an evening more thoroughly.

In obedience to an order of Fayetteville Presbytery, Rev. A.R. Shaw will preach at Euphronia the 3rd Sabbath inst. at 12 o'clock, and declare the pulpit of said church vacant.

Misses Kate Scott, of Lemon Springs, and Lilly Rodgers, of Apex, accompanied by Mr. Chas. Scott, attended the Cantata last Tuesday night, and the Xmas tree Wednesday morning.

The town tax collector is still on the rampage. If you have an old 'buck-board' you'd better keep your weather eye on it.

We hear that there are to be several marriages here in the near future. It is a notable fact there are always more marriages during a hard year than when times are prosperous.

A very quiet Christmas, and less drunkenness and rowdyism than was ever known here before. It is with pleasure that we record this fact, its speaks well for the morality of the town.

We noticed before Xmas that the merchants who advertised their goods in the BLADE had all the customers they could serve, while those who did not advertise were not much busier than usual.

One of the town merchants said to us the other day, "I never believed much in advertising, but I advertised my Xmas goods, and had the largest trade ever before, and I am confident that advertising is what increased my trade."

Joe. Kelly, col., the efficient brakeman on our railroad, accidentally discharged a pistol Xmas-eve night, the ball taking effect in his right hand. The wound tho' not dangerous, was exceedingly painful. We have heard of the no other accident here during the holidays.

The inside of the Presbyterian church is being painted. It would be a good idea to paint the outside, while they are at it. But we would suggest that it be painted some dark color, as the smoke from Tyson & Jones' blacksmith shop so soon soils white paint.

MARRIED - On Thursday afternoon, Dec. 19, 1889, at 3 o'clock, at the residence of Miss Milly Frye, Mr. W. R. Cox to Miss Addie Frye, the Rev. W. F. Watson officiating. The marriage was quite a surprised, only a few intimate friends being present. The bride and groom left for Mr. Cox's home at Lilesville on the 4 o'clock train. We wish them all happiness.

SO LIKE THEM - 'Twas out in the gloaming, way out in Wyoming, a maiden sat combing her golden hair; when, heated with roaming, all panting and foaming, there came up and squeezed her a big grizzly bear. It did not affright her, the bear did not bite her, she lay back and murmured, "Still tighter, dear!" This broke up old bruin; he left off is wooing, sneaked back to the mountains and hid a whole year. - Texas Ex.

BANQUET - The Tyson & Jones Buggy Co. expressed its high appreciation of its employees in a substantial way by giving them a grand banquet on Xmas night. Only the members of the firm, the employees, and the ministers and lawyers of the town were present. We are told that the supper was one of the most elegant ever spread in Carthage, and that the evening was pleasantly spent in partaking of the many good things, speech making, toasting, &c. Mr. W. T. Jones, the urbane host, was the life of the occasion, and was the recipient of many deservedly eulogistic toasts.

NEGRO KILLED AT KEYSER - On Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 24. 1889, at 2 o'clock, Geo. W. Curtain, col., Town Marshal of Keyser, was shot by a Robeson County desperado, named Lewis Stogner. The negro attempted to arrest a white man and Stogner took the man's part and shot the marshal twice in the head, one ball penetrating the brain. The wounded man lingered until Monday, when death relieved him of his sufferings. The murderer escaped into South Carolina, it is thought. Murders are becoming entirely too common in this county, and a check should be put upon this bloody work.

THE CANTATA - The Xmas Cantata by the Baptist Sunday School on Xmas eve night, was very creditable to the children, and the older ones too. Of course, there were some grumblers. But some people would find fault with heaven. What such people say is not worth noticing. Besides the Cantata proper, there were several nicely rendered songs, and good speeches by Mr. Douglass and Rev. Mr. Watson. The collection for the Baptist Orphanage amounted to $7.68. It is a shame that treble that amount was not raised.

COUNTY TAXES - Sheriff Currie settled his State taxes on Dec 23rd. They amounted to $6,503.03. Considering the difficulties under which he has labored, we venture the assertion that no Sheriff in the State has made so good a record. The Sheriff tells us that there are very few outstanding County orders; that he has taken them up as fast as they have been presented. He thinks the court house can be paid for without levying a cent of special tax, at the same time reducing the poll tax to $2. The County revenue from poll and property taxes is about $28,000, with an additional $2,000 from purchase and liquor tax, and licenses, &c., thus making a total of $30,000.

BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION - Mr. W. T. Payne, organizing agent for the N.C. Building and Loan Association of Charlotte, was here a few days last week, and succeeded in organizing a branch association with the following officers: President, Capt Jas. D. McIver; Sec, & Tres, W. C. Douglass; Attorney, W. J. Adams. The association is just what its name implies. It will make loans to its members, and aid them in building, &c. It is one of the best paying savings bank we know of, and pays the largest rate of interest. The shares are worth $100 each, and are payable in monthly installments of $1 per share. It is worth the while of all our citizens to look into the workings of this association. This may be the means of giving our town a permanent building boom. New members may enter at any time by making application to the Sec. We give below a list of the stock holders and amount of stock taken by each: G C Graves, 3,000; A H McNeill, 1,000; Dr G McLeod, 500; W C Douglass, 500; T J Shaw, 500; C J Shaw, 500; W E Black, 500; H A Foote, Jr, 500; V F Kelly, 500; W M Kivett, 500; I N Clark, 300; Capt Jas D McIver, 300; J C Black, 200; W J Adams, 200; She'ff J L Currie, 200; Dr John Shaw, 100. Total amount of stock, $9,200.

SCHOOL CONCERT - The Fall Term of the Carthage Academic Institute closed on Friday, Dec. 20th, with a concert that night. We can't say anything as to the merits of the exercises, as we were unable to either see or hear what was transpiring on the stage. The Marshal of the occasion, instead of seating the crowd and keeping them seated, not only allowed those in front to stand and thus cut off the view from the back of the house, but had the faculty of standing before more people at the same time than any man we ever saw. That gaudy 2 yard ribbon sash was a pretty thing, but terribly in the way. In the future we hope the management, on such occasions, will appoint competent marshals, who will not hesitate to perform their duties. And we think men who have no more politeness than to stand in front of ladies would not be allowed in the house. A 15 year old boy is not fit to be a marshal at any gathering of grown people; he cannot command proper respect. We are informed by the principals that before the annual commencement next summer that stage will be so arranged that every one can see. We regret exceedingly that Prof Shilds has severed his connection with the school. His influence and ability will be missed. We hope, however, his usefulness may not be in the least impaired. His withdrawal is on account of ill health. The Spring Term opens next Monday, the 6th inst. parents should bear in mind that they can find no better preparatory school for their boys and girls anywhere. See advertisement.

CARTHAGE CIRCUIT APPOINTMENTS FOR 1890 - Editor BLADE: Please say to readers, that Carthage circuit will be served in the following order during the Conference year 1890: 1st Sunday in each month at Centre at 11 o'clock. 2nd Sunday in each month at Carthage at 11 o'clock and at Cameron at 3 1/2 o'clock. 3rd Sunday in each month at Cool Springs at 11 o'clock. 4th Sunday in each month at Carthage at 11 o'clock and at night. J. A. Hornaday, P.C.

(Located in another section of this edition)
ROLL OF HONOR - The following persons, in the closing examinations of the fall term of Carthage Academic Institute, have so distinguished themselves as to deserve honorable mention: Charlie V Brooks, Jonesboro, NC; W M Blue, Keyser, NC; W P Cameron, Jr, Greenwood, NC; Miss Ella R Cole, Union Church, NC; J W Jackson, Carthage, NC; J F King, Villanow, NC; J V McCallum, Carthage, NC; J A McLeod, Villanow, NC; A A Ray, Aberdeen, NC; J S Seawell, Parkwood, NC; Q A Williams, Prosperity, NC. Mr. J.A. McLeod, of Villanow, attained the highest average mark of any pupil in school.




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