Excavations at the Amity Site: Final Report

List of Tables
(pages x)

1. Radiocarbon Ages 43
2. Calibrated Dates 43
3. Native American Ceramic Types by Excavation Area 45
4. Native American Smoking Pipe Fragments 51
5. Ratios of Pipe Fragments to Potsherds from Various Sites 51
6. Dated Sites Producing Rouletted Pipes 53
7. Stone Artifact Counts 55
8. Results of Faunal Analysis 62
9. Botanical Remains by Weight 64
10. Seeds by Count 65
11. Botanical Remains from Postmolds 66
12. Euroamerican Pottery 69 69
13. Glass Fragments 70 B-1. 70
B-1. Ceramics from the Main Excavation Area 76
B-2. Ceramics from Features and Surface 79
B-3. Ceramics from the Southern Excavation Area 79
B-4. Ceramics from the Southeastern Excavation Area 80
B-5. Ceramics from the Southwestern Excavation Area 80
B-6. Ceramics from Western Excavation Area 81
B-7. Ceramics from 1985-1986 Tests 82

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Carolina Algonkian Project, All Rights Reserved