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Credle - Williams Cemetery

Apparently years ago Albert Cartwright Credle and his brother, Sidney Mott Credle, made a listing of the persons buried in the Credle-Williams Cemetery at that time. Of course, several people have been buried in the cemetery since then. In Memory Of...An Index to Hyde County Cemeteries by Martha Rebecca Swindell and R.S. Spencer, Jr. which was published in 1973, lists 11 persons in this cemetery and only three of them with headstones. The following is the list that was made so many years ago and was submitted by Mary Fulford Moore. If any of you can add birth and/or death dates to any of these people please contact Kay Midgett Sheppard.

The cemetery faces North (toward The Old Turnpike Road, heading toward Fairfield) and is bordered by two canals, one is parallel to Highway 264 East. There are three rows of graves, with 17 grave sites in the two outside rows. (Sidney Arthur Credle's grave--#35--was extended beyond the boundary of the graveyard.) There are two paths dividing the three rows. Few of the graves are identifiable today, and the information on those graves is contained in the book, In Memory Of, on pages 69 and 70.

Beginning with the row of graves closest to the Credle farmhouse is a half-round brick and concrete tomb, which is that of Lydia Alcock. That will be indicated as Grave #1.


1. Lydia F. Alcock

2. Polly Barnes
3. Hetty Cuthrell - Mahetabel Swindell, mother of Lydia F. Alcock
4. Billy Barnes
5. Chas. (Charles) Cuthrell - father of Lydia F. Alcock
6. Mary Barnes
7. Infant Barnes
8. Albert Carawan
9. Sam'l Sadler
10. gravesite - no name
11. Aaron Sawyer
12. Benj. Sadler
13. Oscar Ballance
14 - 17 gravesites have no names


Graves 18-21 (from beginning of plot paralleling Hwy. 264 East) have no names
22. Sack (Zack) Boyd Mason
23. John Boyd
24. Zack Boyd
25-27 - graves have no names
28. Rob't. Cartwright ***
29. Katie Alcock
30-32 - graves have no names
33. Albert Cartwright Credle

34. Sally Mary Gibbs Credle

35. Sidney Arthur Credle

(bounded by the two sides of the canals)

36. Billy Moss (parallels canal adjacent to Hwy. 264 East)
37. Albin Swindell
38. Mary Cahoon
39. Albert Carawan (note that grave #8 is also occupied by an Albert Carawan)
40. Elizabeth Carawan
41-42 - graves have no names
43. Mrs. Jim Sadler
44. grave has no name
45. Lucy Williams
(Onslow) Staton Williams

47. Benny Williams (Benjamin Tillman Williams)

48. Blanche Williams

49. John Willis Williams

50. grave has no name

51. Martha Etta Mae Cartwright Credle

52. George Tilson Credle

*** [Comments by Mary Fulford Moore]
After having looked at the section of the Cartwright Bible in my possession, I have an idea that children of Robert Cartwright and Catherine Mace Cartwright may be buried in one or several of the empty graves (25-27) between Zack Boyd and Robert Cartwright.

My mother, Thelma Credle Fulford, has indicated that black families are also buried in this cemetery, but she did not remember any of the family names. Further, she stated that Annie Mae Carawan was buried between Lydia Alcock and Grave #18. Her space is in the path, but there is no headstone for identification.

The book, In Memory Of..., also shows that Charles Conway Credle and Henry W. Gibbs were buried in this cemetery, but their names were not included in the list of names furnished by Albert and Sidney Credle. Henry White Gibbs is buried in the cemetery in Bayview NC (this information is in the Beaufort County WPA burial records). According to Thelma Credle Fulford, when Henry White Gibbs died his wife was pregnant at the time. She packed up her children, loaded the cart by herself, hitched the mules, and headed back home to Hyde County after she had him buried. She had the baby right after she got back. Perhaps after she arrived back in Hyde County she placed a stone in the Credle-Williams Cemetery to memorialize him. On November 28, 1906, Cora Eva Carawan Gibbs married Benjamin Calvin Carawan.

Henry W. Gibbs

Charles Conway Credle