Worker: Gwendolyn P. Hawks


Compiled by the Historical Records

Survey of North Carolina


Hertford County

Ahoskie, N.C.




Location:  Approximately one-half mile from the city limits of the town of Ahoskie, N.C. on highway ____ leading from Ahoskie to Winton, N.C. on the left side of the road going towards Winton.




NAME                              BORN                                            DIED                        REMARKS


Baker, Danver Percy        April 10(?), 1874              Feb. 1, [1814] {{(?)1914(?)}}


Brett, M.E.                        ___________                  _______________


Brett, Stella Vinson            Dec. 3, 1810                    Mar. 26, 1908                        Wife of J. P. Brett


Hayes, Fannie                     ____________               Jan. 27, 1879                          Wife of Thomas Hayes


Hayes, Thomas G.             Jun. 1, 1834                     Feb. 3, 1893       






Transcribed verbatim from a terrible copy of the microfilmed record

Contributed to the USGenWeb Hertford County Archives

Marianne Cleveland Nichols ~ 2005 ~