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Currituck County Wills

Thomas Vince of Albemarle Co.
Aug. 31, 1721 - Oct. 10, 1721 [probate date from Jones' book]

In the Name of God amen.  I Thomas VINCE of ye Prect of Corotuck in ye County of Albemarle and in ye Province of North Carolina being Sick and Weake of body but of perfect Mind and Memory blessed be Almighty God for it and Knowing that it is Appoynted once for man to Die Doe Therfore make this my Lass Will and Testement in manner and forme following that is to Say I Recomd my Soul to ye hands of Almighty God who Gave it hopeing by ye merits of Jesus Christ to Receive for Giveness for all my Sins which I have Comitted in this Wicked World Secondly my body to be buried in Such Christian Manner as My Executor here after Named Sees? So Connvienient.

Item I Give to my Daughter hannah VINCE my Nego Man R__ed ____ to her and her heirs for Ever.

Item I Give to my granddaughter Margrett WHITE one Cow and Calfe.

Item I Give to my Grand Son Willis POYNER one Cow and Calfe.

Item I Give to my Daughter Margrett WHITE Twenty Shillings.

Item I Give to my Daughter Sarah POYNER Twenty Shillings.

Item I Give to my Daughter hannah VINCE one Cow and Calfe.

Item I Give The Rest of my Whole Estate to be Equaly Devided my Two Sons Thomas VINCE and William VINCE to be Equally Devided between them boath.  Also my Will and Desier is that my Daughter hannah have the afore Said Negro to Live with her Where She Lives and have his Labour in her Infancy to maintain her ____ ye Coars? of [next 2 words unreadable] person to Look After Mary? both? ye Magt? and my Daughter Till She Coms of age to possess him her Selfe Afore Said.

Also I Doe make This my Lass Will and Testement Revoakeing all other Will or Wills by me formerly made and only Acknowledging this to be my Whole Will & mind.  Also I make ordain Nominate and Appoynt this my brother Humphry VINCE to be my Whole and Sole Executor of this my Lass Will and Testement to See the Same Duly performd but if my Said brother Humpry VINCE Die before this Will is proved then and in Such Case I Doe by These presents? Appoynt my Son inlaw Luke WHITE to be my Whole and Sole Extr of this my Lass Will As Witnes my hand and Seal this 31st Day of Augst Anno Dom 1721.
     /signum/ Thomas [his TV mark] VINCE    Seal

Signd and Seald in ye ___tese of
    Jos WICKER
    Wm PARKER 

[Most of this probate is unreadable and the right side is cut off.  What I can read is as follows]

   North Carolia}   
 Carotuck Prect}
This Within Written will _____in ye Afore Said Prect ye 13? ____ Anno Dom 1721 in ____ Manner by [rest unreadable]

[On the back of the will is written: Tho Vince his Will; Letters granted Janury the 4th 1722]

[Source: North Carolina State Archives - MARS ID: (folder)]

This will was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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