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Currituck County Wills

Jacob Peterson of Albemarle County
March 31, 1697 - April 5, 1697
Sec. of State, NC Wills, 1663-1789

Allbemarl in the province of Carolina in ye year 1697

Wee the subscribers being at the hous of Jacob PETERSON [unclear word] on the last day of March and he being sick like to [die?] wee bid him setel his bisness and he bid us take notis that he gave al that he had to his wife Rebacah PETERSON and [said wat I?] has make the most of it.
    /s/ Edward [his x mark] GELFF
    /s/ Mary [her x mark] GELFF

Apirall the fifth then Edward and Mary GELFF sworn before me
    /s/ John WHEDBE

This will was contributed by Marty Holland. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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