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Currituck County Wills

Malachi Jones
Dec. 20, 1837 - May Term 1838
Currituck Co. Will Book 4 ; pg. 43
[see image on Family Search]

The last Will and Testament of Malachi JONES decd. was Exhibited in open court at May term 1838 and proved by the oath of Moses CASON James WARD and Thomas H. JONES jurat and ordered Recorded.

   In the name of God amen, I Malachi JONES of the County of Currituck State of N. Carolina being sick in body but of Perfect mind and memory thanks be to almighty God for it Calling in mind the certainty of death and uncertainty of life think proper to make this my last Will and Testament in the manner and form following to Wit.

   Item 1  I give and bequeath unto my Son Malachi JONES the Plantation whereon I now live to him and his heirs for ever also one black woman named Molly to him and his Heirs for ever.

   I give and bequeath unto my Son Richard JONES the plantation in Back Bay formerly belonging to William WARD to him and his heirs for ever.  Also one black Woman named Wina to him and his heirs for ever.

   Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Caroline JONES the plantation Adjoining Mr. Anthony SIMMONS to her and her heirs for ever.

   Item I leave unto my wife during her lifetime one black Girl named Catherine and at her death to my daughter Caroline to her and her heirs for ever. 

   I give unto my daughter Caroline one bible and trunk.

 It is my desire that the ballence of my estate that is not all ready given away be sold and after paying my debts and expenses for my wife have what the law will allow her of it and the ballence if any I give unto my daughter Caroline to her and her heirs for ever. Ratafying and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament.  I also appoint my worthy friend William SMITH Executor to this my last will and Testament this the 20th day December one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.

    /s/ Malachi [his x mark] JONES seal

    Moses CASON
    James [his x mark] WARD
    Thomas H. JONES

Recorded and Examined June the 8th day 1838


This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse.  No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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