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Currituck County Wills

James Gamewell
April 11, 1787; Oct. 10, 1787
Currituck Co. Will Book 1, pp. 224-225

State of N. Carolina
Currituck County

April 11, 1787 In the name of God Amen, I James GAMEWELL through Gods mercy being of right mind and memory after revoking all former wills, gifts, or grants contrary hereto as made or done by me, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as followeth.

1st.: I commit my soul to the gracious arms of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and my body to the dust untill the resurrection of the Just.

2dly: I lend unto Tamer GAMEWELL my Wife the use of one third of my house and plantation during her natural life as also one red cow named Cherry and her heiffer yearling and their increase, one black sow and her three shoats, one feather bed that came by her Father and its furniture, one large iron pot and hooks a reasonable support of provision or table (according to acesibility) for the first nine months, one large chest, two chairs one woolen wheal and cards, one linnen wheal, one sifter one framed table, one old pewter dish and bason, two pewter plates, one half of all my spoons, all my case knives and forks, one ladle, one pair of fire tongs, one half of my cooper ware (not hereafter mentioned), one old axe and hoe, one testament called hers, one of Wattses Hymn Book, one _____? sermon book, one flax, one bread tray and baker, one third of my flax and cotton and to have the carefull bringing up of our Daughter Sarah and to see she is learnd to reade and work hard.

3dly: Item I have given my eldest Son Joseph GAMEWELL at his request upwards of one year of his time with me and acquited him of two bushels of salt which he due me by promise and offered to give him land if he would live on it but he refused, and have given his Daughter Susannah one poide cow named Fancy and her increase and now give him one large iron pott and hooks in his own call and leave him one book called Holy War.

4thly Item: I have given my Son Bemjamin GAMEWELL at his request upwards of year of his time with me, have also given him some shoemakers tools, one small Bible, and paid away one hundred acres of land on his account since he was at age and have given one black cow and her increase unto his Daughter Nancey and now leave him one book called Geography.

5thly Item: I give unto my Daughter Mary GAMEWELL and unto her heirs forever a certain parcel of my land, on the southward side to be laid off, one hundred yards wide from sea to sound for twenty acres or be it more or less also one cow named Browney and her increase, one linnen wheal now and after her Mothers death one wollen wheal and cards one loom and tacking, one washing tub, pale and knogen, one small kittle and bale, one Song Book, one Testament to be bought for her, one small old chest, one third of my earthen and glass ware, and after her Mothers death one half of the hogs she leaves, also if she works out constant this year let her have one fifth part of all the crop.

6thly Item: I give unto my Son John GAMEWELL and unto his heirs forever a sertain parsel of land at the northward end divided from where I now live by aline of marked trees begining at a Holley marked near the sea beach, the northward upgoing thence due east unto a stake at the surf highwater mark, thence right back due west to said marked trees and along them unto a forked live oak marked near STEVENSONs old landing near the marsh and cornering here thence running northwardly leaving the wedth of a road next unto the marsh unto a convenient place to equally devide said marsh between him and his younger Brother, Isayah my land and marsh to the northward of said line from sea to sound unto my Son John as befor likewise give him the feather bed I lie on and its furniture, one large Bible, one dixonary, one of Westleys Hymns (make his land is for seventy acres or be it more or less) likewise give him one hand mill and morter, one spotted sow and her four pigs, one new flat built cedar vessel with all tackling necessary thereunto and apparrel, one large new iron kittle and its hooks, one trunk and papers, and all my writting instruments, all my fishing and osthering and water utentials, one grindstone one hackkle, one pair of stillyards and pea, one heifer named Flower with her increase and one stear named Derby.

7th Item: I give unto my Son Maharshalalhashbaz GAMEWELL and unto his heirs forever a certain part of my land and marsh bordering his Brother Johns land and marsh from the sea to sound and running that wedth southwardly including the house and plantation where I now live untill you come within one hundred yards of his sister Maryes northward line leaving asses [access] betwixt him and his one hundred yards wide from sea to sound the above said land plantation or and marsh to said Maher and as aforesaid for sixty acres or be it more or less, also give one red cow named Cherry and what increase she shall yet have after his Mother is done with them, also give him one small Bible, one Wattses Psalms one Westminsters confession of faith and one goverment of thoughts, one old Song Book, one small gun and its hammer, one large iron kittle and bale, one good ax and hoe at his freedom and a good suite of cloaths of commendable cloth and from top to toe which shall be on conditions of his good behaviour eighteen years old during which time from my death he shall serve his Brother John condition that he will do his will housed(?) fed and cloathed from time to time and all times and brought up will do hard work and good behaviour shunning vicious company and practices and learning to read and write if not sifer & to make shooes farmit and go by water and then still sd. John is to be his gardian until he is at the age of twenty one unless some lawfull reason to the contrary is made appear, and said John is to have the carefull use of his portion on these conditions to see there is no waste made in anywise thereof. Plantation keep it in good repair not over worn nor improvements neglected and taxes of that and Sarahs paid annually

8thly Item: I give unto my Daughter Sarah GAMEWELL and unto her heirs forever a certain part of my land, one hundred yards wide from sea to sound lying betwixt the land of her Sister Mary and that of her younger Brothers for twenty acres or be it more or less, also give one heiffer yearling named Lucky and her increase, one box iron and heaters one small tub, one knoggin, one small chair, one small iron pot and bale with an iron pott and all the moveables left to her Mother after she is done with them except such of them as are given to others hertofor and to be under sd. Johns guardianship with her Mother

9thly: after all my debts is paid and all costs and charges justly defrayed and all that is due to me collected then I give my Son John his choice to either equally divided the remainer part of my estate not yet given in legacies betwixt all my aforesaid children to wit. Joseph, Benjamin, Mary, John, Maher, and Sarah to each an equal share or else to pay them each three pounds money a head, Maryes in nine months from my death visin(?) if paid in money or sooner if convenient and Joseph and Benjamin at farthest in two years after my death and the two younger ones when they are at age but if said John chuses then as before to divide then let those at age with him take their part as soon as there can be a settlement as aforesaid and on the other hand if said John pays my aforesaid children the said sum of three pounds a head as before then on said conditions I give him all the rest of my worldy goods and desire him to have my graveyard well posted with good cedar posts and good poles of cedar sipress or juniper large enough for the whole family where I appointed on Mahers part of land.

10thly: And lastly I appoint and ordain my said Son John GAMEWELL my heirs at law & my whole and sole Executor if he lives to this my Last Will and Testament and if in case of his death or long absence from this county Colo. Thomas JARVES Esqr. to act in his stead witness my hand and seal the day and date above in page the first asigned sealed &c. in the presence of us.
    /s/ James GAMEWELL seal

    William DUNSTON     jurat
    Jonas [his g mark] GALLOP
    Elisabeth [her mark] DUNSTON

Recorded and examd. the 10th day of October 1787

This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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