Currituck County Wills

William Bray
Nov. 7, 1767 - April 1768
Currituck Co. Will Book 1, p. 41

North Carolina
Currituck County

At an Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Session held at the Courthouse in Currituck on the first Tuesday in April 1767
Present his Majesties Justices

The Last Will and Testament of William BRAY late of Currituck County, Gentleman deceased.
The Last Will and Testament of Evan MILLER reside and late of Currituck County Planter deceased and
The Last Will and Testament of Samuel BRIGHT late of the said county Planter deceased
having been all three then and there in open Court exhibited proved and the respective executors or executrixs qualified in due form of law were ordered to be recorded whereupon they here follow accordingly That is to say----

The Last Will and Testament of William BRAY In Hoc Verba

In the name of God Amen, I William BRAY of the County and province aforsaid do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following vizt.

Item: I give to my Son Wallace BRAY a plantation at the launch joining John CAVES and Wm. SHELLEY SR. joining fifty nine acres to him the said Wallace BRAY and his heirs for ever.

Item: I give to my Son William BRAY the third part of my land where on I now live Part next Joseph POYNERs to him the said William BRAY and his heirs for ever.

Item: I give to my Son James BRAY the plantation whereon I now live with one third part of the land I hold in the tract to him the said James BRAY to him and heirs for ever.

Futhermore if the child my Wife is now big with should be a male I give the other third part of the land I now live on unto the same child and his heirs for ever and if the said child should die without issue or be a Female I give the one half of said land to my Son William BRAY and his heirs for ever-- the other half to Son James BRAY and his heirs for ever------

I lend my negroe boy Curey to my Father Wallace BRAY SEN. and his Wife Sarah BRAY during their natural lives after if my ????? debts pay mine or after my debts is paid I give the said negroe boy Curey to my Daughter Mary BRAY and her heirs for ever

I give to my Daughter Sarah BRAY negroe boy James to her and her heirs for ever

I give to my Daughter Elizabeth BRAY the first child negroe India shall bring to her and her heirs for ever

I lend the rest of my estate to my Wife Mary BRAY during her life, only if she should marry one that should waste or embezzle any of the same and use my children ill I put it in the power of the Court to apraise and divide the same between my children and beg they will the same and if the child my Wife is now big with should be a Female I give to her a negroe. In which my shall these and I do appoint my Wife Mary BRAY and Son Wallace BRAY and Colonel John WOODHOUSE my whole and sole excutrix and executors of this my Last Will and Testament In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of November Anno Domini 1767.
    /s/ William BRAY     and a seal

Sealed and delivered to be the Testors Last Will and Testament
    William MACKIE

Presented and examined the 30th March 1768

This will was contributed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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