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Currituck County Miscellaneous Estates

Samuel Jarvis (1786)

Page 1
Recd May 3d 1786 of Thomas HEATH Deputy Sheriff of Currituck County Sixe pounds Seventeen Shillings in full for so much he Levied & returned on the Execution SMITH's Exrs vs JARVIS's Exrs. in Edenton Supr Court.
     /s/ Blake BAKER

Page 2
Robert SMITH's Exors  }
Trial 66    vs                     }        Debt
Samuel JARVIS’s Exors}

Judgment confest by Samuel SALYEAR one of the Exors. According to Specialty


May Suit brought   10 shillings  
Nov Final Determination   18 shillings  
Exon 5/(1786 May) Exon 5/this Exon 5/   15 shillings  
Clk £2 3 shillings  
Atto £2 10 shillings  
Tax   10 shillings  
Sher   10 shillings  
Costs £5 13 shillings  


May this execution   5 shillings  
  £5 18 shillings  
  £29 12 shillings  
  £23 14 shillings  

Page 3
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County greeting:
     Whereas We by our Writ have commanded you that of the goods & chattels, lands & Tenements of Samuel JARVIS in the hands of Samuel SALYEAR his Executor if any such be had in his hands and if not then of the proper goods & chattels, lands & Tenements of the said Samuel SALYEAR (in your Bailiwick) you should cause to be made the sum of Five hundred & Sixty two Pounds sixteen shillings & four pence which in our Superior Court of Law at Edenton Josiah COLLINS and James IREDELL recovered against him for Debt, and also the sum of Five Pounds thirteen shillings for their Damages, by reason of the Detention of the said Debt, and for the Costs & Charges by them in their Suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Samuel SALYEAR is convicted & Liable as to us appears of Record; And that you should have those Monies, before the Judges of the said Court at Edenton on the third day of May next after the Fourteenth Day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred eighty seven to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL Exors as aforesaid for their debt & Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid.
     And you at that Day returned on the said Writ to you directed that you had taken notes of hand the Property of the Defendants Testator to the amount of Two hundred Pounds & Sundry Articles of Household Furniture, Stock & Lands the Property of the Defendant and that you had not sold the same for want of time We therefore command you that you expose to sale the goods & chattels, Lands & Tenements aforesaid & have you those Monies before the Judges of the said Court at the Court at Edenton on the third Day of November next to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL their Debt & Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid: And also We Command you that of the goods & chattels, Lands, & Tenements of the said Samuel JARVIS in the Hands of the said Samuel SALYEAR his Executor if any such be hath in

Page 4
is hands & if not then of the proper goods& chattels Lands & Tenements of the said Samuel SALYEAR in your Bailiwick you cause to be made the Residue of the said Debt & Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid and have you those Monies together with the Monies aforesaid before our Judges on the day aforesaid to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL for their Debt & Damages Costs & Charges aforesaid and have you then & there this Writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clerk of the said Court at Edenton the XIVth day of May in the XIIth year of the Independence of the State A.D. 1788.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Samuel JARVIS's bond to Robt. SMITH's Exors. - May 10th 1782 £131 8 shillings 2 pence
Pd in part May 12th 1785 £33 8 shillings 2 pence
Int. on £131.8.2 from May 10th 1782 to May 12th 1785 £20 13 shillings 10 pence 
  £118 13 shillings 10 pence 

The sum of £118.13.10 with Interest from May 12th 1785 till paid & all Costs will Discharge this Execution.
     /s/ W.B.

SMITH’s Exors }    Vend Expo. Fi Fas for Residue
            vs            }    Edenton District
JARVIS’s Exors}    Novr Supr Court 1788
     Advertised the within land notes & household goods & chattels & sold the notes for £29.12 which was on the property of Sam JARVIS decd no more was offered or could be on demand from Sam SALYEAR one of the Exors. The land being disputed and forbidby Sam SALYEAR SEN To household goods Bared up and a dispute concerning time for making sale of land could not make a vendue with Safety.
     So says Thos HEATH Dy

     The demand for more of JARVIS property decd was made before Thos BERNARD and he the sd SALYEAR said there was no more then the now above.
     So says  Thos. HEATH D. (Deputy?)

Served by Benjn TAYLOR and not sold for want of Bidders and for such services Sum £1-1-6. So say Benjn TAYLOR D. Shff.

Page 5
SMITH’s Exors }
            vs            }    Debt  -  Judgmt. Amount to Specialty
JARVIS’s Exors}

Bond dated 10th May 1782 for £131 8 shillings 2 pence
Paid in part May 12th 1785 £33 8 shillings 2 pence
Int. from date to payment £20 13 shillings 10 pence 
  £118 13 shillings 10 pence 
Atto £2 10 shillings  
Clk for this Exon.   5 shillings  
Tax   10 shillings  
  £121 18 shillings 10 pence
Int on £98 from 12 May 1785 till paid 1786 Nov this Exon   5 shillings  

Page 6
State of North-Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     You are hereby commanded, that, of the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements of Samuel JARVIS deceased in the hands of his Executors in your Bailiwick, you cause to be made the Sum of two hundred & sixteen Pounds Sixteen Shillings & four pence which in our Superior Court of Law and Equity, at Edenton Josiah COLLINS & James IRDELL Executors of Robert SMITH deceased recovered against them for Debt, and also the sum of three Pounds ten shillings for their Damages, by reason of the Detention of the said Debt, and for the Costs and Charges by them in their suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Samuel JARVIS’s Executors are convicted and liable, as to us appears of Record; besides your own fees for this Service. And have you the said money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the third day of May next, to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL for their Debt, damages, Costs and Charges aforesaid, and have you then and there this Writ.  Witness, Blake BAKER Clerk of the said Court at Edenton, the XIVth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six.
     /s/ Blake BAKER  Clk

Page 7
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting:
     You are hereby commanded, that, of the goods & chattels, lands & Tenements of Samuel JARVIS in the hands of Samuel SALYEAR his Executor if any such he hath in his hands and if not then of the proper goods & chattels, lands & Tenements of the said Samuel SALYEAR (in your Bailiwick) you cause to be made the Sum of Two hundred & Sixty two Pounds, Sixteen shillings & four pence which in our Superior Court of Law & Equity, at Edenton Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL recovered against him for Debt, and also the sum of Five pounds thirteen shillings for their Damages, by reason of the Detention of the said Debt and for the Costs & Charges by them in their Suit in that behalf expended, whereof the said Samuel SALYEAR Executor as aforesaid is convicted & liable as to us appear of Record; beside your own Fees for this Service. And have you the said Monies before the Honorable the Judges of the said Court at Edenton, on the third day of May next, to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL Executors as aforesaid for their Debt & Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid and have you then & there this Writ.  Witness Blake BAKER Clerk of the said Court at Edenton the XIVth day of November in the year One thousand seven hundred & eighty seven.
     /s/ Blake BAKER Clk  

Page 8

Samuel JARVIS's bond to Robt. SMITH's Exors. - May 10th 1782 £131 8 shillings 2 pence
Pd in part May 12th 1785 £33 8 shillings 2 pence
Int. on £131.8.2 from May 10th 1782 to May 12th 1785 £20 13 shillings 10 pence 
  £118 13 shillings 10 pence 

The sum of £118.13.10 with Interest from May 12th 1785 till paid & all Costs will Discharge this Exon.
     /s/ B.B.

     Levied on notes of hand the property of the Defendant’s Executor to the amt. of Two hundred Pounds and Sundry Articles of Household Furniture, Stock & Lands the property of the Defendant not Sold for want of Time.
     So says Benjn  TAYLOR D. Shff

Page 9
State of North-Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County, Greeting:
     You are hereby commanded, that, of the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements of Samuel JARVIS in the hands of Samuel SALYEAR one of his Executors (in your Bailiwick) you cause to be made the sum of two hundred Sixty two Pounds, Sixteen shillings & four pence which in our Superior Court of Law and Equity, at Edenton, Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL Executors of the last will of Robert SMITH decd recovered against him for Debt, and also the Sum of Four Pounds thirteen shillings for their Damages, by reason of the Detention of the said Debt, and for the Costs and Charges by them in their suit in that behalf expended whereof the said Samuel SALYEAR Executor as aforesaid is convicted and liable, as to us appears of Record; besides you own Fees for this Service. And have you the said Money before the Judges of our said Court, at Edenton, on the third day of May next; to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL Executors as aforesaid for their Debt, damages, Costs and Charges aforesaid, and have you then and there this Writ.  Witness Blake BAKER Clerk of the said Court, at Edenton, the XIVth day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five.
     /s/ Blake BAKER CS Clk

Page 10
SMITH’s Exors }      Fi Fa
            vs            }     Edenton May Term 1786
JARVIS’s Exors}

Saml JARVIS Bond to Robt SMITH Exors. - May 10th 1782 £131 8 shillings 2 pence
Pd in part May 12th 1785 £33 8 shillings 2 pence
Int. on £131.8.2 from May 10th 1782 to May 12th 1785 £20 13 shillings 10 pence 
  £118 13 shillings 10 pence 

The sum of £118.13.10 with Interest Int. pd  from May 12th 1785 till paid & all Costs will Discharge this Exon.
     /s/ B.B.

Executed on all the goods I could come to the knowledge of and sold the same for the Sum of Six Pounds 3 shillings.
     Thos HEATH Dy

    ...6  Comisssion
£5.17  deducted

Page 11
Robert SMITH's Exors  }
Trial 66    vs                     }        Debt
Samuel JARVIS’s Exors}

Judgment confest by Samuel SALYEAR one of the Exors. According to Specialty


May Suit brought   10 shillings  
Nov Final Determination   18 shillings  
This Execution   5 shillings  
Clk £1 13 shillings  
Atto £2 10 shillings  
Tax   10 shillings  
Sherf   10 shillings  
Tax 10/all Exon 5/ £4 13 shillings  

Page 12
State of North Carolina--To the Sheriff of Currituck County Greeting:
     Whereas We by our Writ have commanded you that of the Goods & chattels, Lands & tenements of Samuel JARVIS in the hands of Samuel SALYEAR his Executor if any such be had in his hands & if not then of the Proper goods & chattels, Lands & Tenements of the said Samuel SALYEAR (in your bailiwick) you should cause to be made the sum of Two hundred and Sixty two Pounds, sixteen shillings & sixteen shillings (sic) & four pence which in our Superior Court of Law at Edenton Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL recovered against him for Debt and also the sum of Five Pounds eighteen shillings for their Damages by reason of the Detention of the said Debt & for the Costs & Charges by them in their suit in that behalf expended whereof the said Samuel SALYEAR is convicted & liable as to us appears of Record; and that you should have those Monies before the Judges of the said Court at Edenton on the third Day of May next after the XIVth Day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL for their Debt & Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid, And you at that Day returned on the said Writ to you directed that you had taken notes of hand to the Amount of Two hundred Pounds the Property of the Defendant’s Testator in his hands & Sundry Articles of Household Furniture Stock & Lands of the Proper goods & chattels, Lands & tenements of the said Samuel SALYEAR and that you had not sold the same for want of time. We therefore command you that you upon to Sale as well the goods & chattels aforesaid of the said Samuel JARVIS deceased in the hands of his said Executor Samuel SALYEAR not by you already disposed of & have you those Monies before the Judges of the said Court at the Courthouse in Edenton on the third day of May next to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL their debt & damages, Costs & charges aforesaid and also We command you that of the goods & Chattels of the said Samuel JARVIS deceased in the hands of the said Samuel SALYEAR his Executor if any such he hath in his Hands & if not then of the proper goods & chattels Lands & Tenements of the said Samuel SALYEAR (in your bailiwick) you cause to be made the Residue of the said Debt & Damages, Costs & Charges aforesaid and have you those Monies together with the Monies aforesaid before our said Judges on the Day aforesaid to render to the said Josiah COLLINS & James IREDELL for their Debt & Damages, Costs & charges aforesaid and have you then & there this Writ.  Witness William BLAIR Clerk of the said Court at Edenton the XIIIth Day of November in the XIIIIth year of the Independence of the said State Anno Dom 1788.
     /s/ Will BLAIR Clk

Page 13

Saml JARVIS's Bond to Robt SMITH Exors. - May 10th 1782 £131 8 shillings 2 pence
Pd in part May 12th 1785 £33 8 shillings 2 pence
Int. on £131.8.2 from May 10th 1782 to May 12th 1785 £20 13 shillings 10 pence 
  £118 13 shillings 10 pence 

The sum of £118.13.10 with Interest Interest from May 12th 1785 till paid & all Costs will Discharge this Exon.
     /s/ B.B.

The Sum of 118 Pounds 13 shillings 10 pence with Interest from May 12th 1785 till paid & all Costs will Discharge this Execution.  Pd on a Former Execution £29..11
     /s/ W.B. Clk

SMITH’s Exors }    Vend Expo. Fi Fa. for Residue
            vs            }    Edenton District Supr Court of Law
JARVIS’s Exors}    May Term 1789

1788 Novr

Cost to this term paid £5 18 shillings  
This Execution   5 shillings  
  £6 3 shillings  

Recd ye amount of the within execution this 16th May 1789.
     /s/ Josiah COLLINS

Satisfyd so Says A. SIMMONS former Sherriff
28 March 1789

[SOURCE: Manuscript and Archives Reference System (MARS); Edenton District Superior Court Estates Records 1756-1806; MARS ID: 398.6.1053 (Box); Microfilm C.201.1905947

Transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse, September 2006




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