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Currituck County Estates

James Brinson - 1883
[This was a lengthy estate and I have not abstracted all documents in the folder.  His will and probate were also included in this estate.]

19 Jan 1874 - I promise to pay or cause to be paid the sum of $299.00 to Caleb S. CRANK for 125 acres in Powells Point on Currituck Sound and bounded by Jordan PARKERs land & Hodges GALLOP.  One hundred dollars to be paid one or before Jan. 1, 1875, $100.00 to be paid on or before Jan. 1, 1876 and $99.00 to be paid on or before Jan. 1, 1877.  /s/ Jas. BRINSON; Eliza BRINSON

15 Mar 1883 Powells Point - Receipt.  "This is to show the number of days that I worked for my father on his farm and in his crop of 1883.  8 days clearing off new ground at $1.00 per day - $8.00; 5 days in the crop at 60 cts. per day - $3.00."  Total of $11.00.  /s/ Willis BRINSON

21 June 1883 - James BRINSON will
    Currituck County
    State of North Carolina
    June 21 1883
        this beaing my last will and testimonie I Do gav unto my Daughter Marie? Ed BRINSON all my lands South from the mouth of my landing Creak a westerdly corse to a marked line Joinding the land of William HUNT and [blank]
        Three Choice Cowes & Calfs and the Choice Stear and the choice of Horses and the Choice Coalt and all of my chatel Propertie house Hould and Kitchen furniture and one Sow and Eight Pigs.  And if Mare? Ed BRINSON Dies with out hear of her own then this Property is to bea Devide Betwen Willis BRINSON and Caleb BRINSON & Lovey E. SCARBROUGH.
        And I Do gave to my Daughter Lovey E. SCARBROUGH all my lands on the North Banks and all my Stock on the North Banks consisting of cattel Hogs and Sheep.
        And I Do gav unto my Son Willias BRINSON all the lands Beginning at Mare? Ed BRINSONs line Runing Down a Road a northan Corse crost my field to the lands of Thomas LAWTON all to the westard and all so the next Choice Horse.
        and I Doe gave to my son Caleb BRINSON from Marie? Ed BRINSON line down the Same Road Joinding with Willias BRINSON a northly corse to Thomas LAWTON land all to the Eastard.
        and the old house Island is to bea Soald and the Balance of my property is to bea Sould Cattels? Boats Coonoes & Scifs? [skiffs?] and all of the property not menchant Hear to four to Pay my Deps and if any over Plush [plus?] Eaqylay Devide among the Hears as above menchant. Witness my hand and seal
    /s/ James [his x mark] BRINSON
    C.S. CRANK
    Thomas BARRETT

and I want Thomas BARRETT and C.S. CRANK to attend to settling my estate and settel with the Hears

11 Aug 1883 - Notice of Probate of Will.  To Mary Ed. BRINSON, Willis BRINSON, Caleb BRINSON & Lovey E. SCARBOROUGH and husband Hillary, heirs at law of the late James BRINSON.  Take notice that a paper writing has been filed in my office by Mr. Thomas BARRETT for probate and the objections to the probate will be heard on August 17, 1883.  /s/ H.B. ANSELL, Probate Judge  [no objections were filed]

17 Aug 1883 - Probate of Will.  A paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of James BRINSON is offered for probate and the execution thereof is proved by the oath and examination of C.S. CRANK and Thomas BARRETT subscribing witnesses thereto, and it appearing that the said James BRINSON was of full age to make a will, of sound mind and disposing memory and under no restraint or undue influence.  Therefore it is ordered and decreed that the said paper writing thus proven is hereby declared to be the last will and testament of the said James BRINSON.  Let the same be recorded & filed.  This August 17th day 1883.  /s/ H.B. ANSELL Probate Judge

17 Aug 1883 - Administrator's Oath.  Thomas BARRETT states that he believes the writing shown to him is the last will & testament of James BRINSON and that he will execute the office of administrator.  /s/ Thomas BARRETT

17 Aug 1883 - Petition to Sell Personal Property for Cash.  Thomas BARRETT, admr of James BRINSON, decd, petitions the Court to sell the personal property because there is no person to take care of the feeding of the horses or taking care of the boats & skiffs.  Therefore the Court grants that Thomas BARRETT may sell the property at 10 days notice.

18 Aug 1883 - Inventory of the property of James BRINSON, decd, taken by Thomas BARRETT, admr.  /s/ Thomas BARRETT

28 Aug 1883 - Account of Sales of the property of James BRINSON, decd, sold by Thomas BARRETT, admr.  Various buyers were C.S. CRANK, Edward TILLETT, Francis WRIGHT, and Hillory SCARBORO.  The total sale was $274.30.  One horse, two cows and one oxen were given to Mary E. BRINSON by James BRINSON in his will.  /s/ Thomas BARRETT

28 Aug 1883 -  19 Nov 1883 - The estate of James BRINSON in account with Thomas BARRETT, his administrator

[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Ashby-Brumsey (Microfilm G.030.1862908)]

This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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