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Currituck County Estates

R. [Richard] J. Bray - 1861

1 Jan 1861 - Receipt.  On demand with interest from date we, or either of us, promise to pay Benj. S. DEY, guardian of the heirs of R.J. BRAY, decd, the sum of $686.82 for value received.  /s/ J.W. BAXTER, T. [Tully] WILLIAMS

1 Jan 1867 - Received of T.G. MUNDEN, guardian to Johnathan BRAY, $9.52 in full for goods furnished.  /s/ J.S. DEY & Son

1 Jan 1867 - 1 Jan 1869 - Jonathan L. BRAY, orphan of R.J. BRAY, in account with T.G. MUNDEN, guardian

27 May 1867 - Received of Thos. G. MUNDEN, guardian of Rebecca Francis BRAY, $65.00 in full payment for board & clothing for the years 1861, 1862 & 1863.  /s/ Malachi [his x mark] BELL

4 Feb 1868 - Thos G. MUNDEN, guardian, in account with Miss Elizabeth BRAY [this is probably Sarah E. Bray], heir of Richard BRAY

15 Mar 1869 - Thos G. MUNDEN, guardian, in account with Fany BREY [this is probably Rebecca Francis Bray]

not dated - Petition for Guardian ad litem.  Sarah E. BRAY & Rebecca F. BRAY, infants of R.J. BRAY, decd, state that they are over the age of 14; that they are tenants in common with Jonathan L. BRAY who is of full age, of 3 tracts of land in Currituck County; that one tract contains 60 acres worth about $300, one tract contains 45 acres and is worth about $700 and the other tract contains 33 acres and is worth about $100.  They wish to have the land sold and proceeds divided.  They ask the Court to appoint T.G. MUNDEN as their guardian ad litem.  /s/ C.W. GRANDY, Atty

not dated - Petition for Sale of Real Estate for Partition.  The petition of Jonathan L. BRAY and Sarah E. and Rebecca F. BRAY by their guardian ad litem, T.G. MUNDEN, show the Court that they are tenants in common in the parcels of land lying in Currituck County which descended to them upon the death of their father, R.J. BRAY; that one parcel is known by the name of the Polly BRAY farm adjoining the lands of J.B. LEEs heirs and C.T. SEARS and others containing 60 acres; one parcel known as the R.J. BRAY homestead adjoining the lands of J.B. HUMPHRIES, B.N. BRAYs heirs & others on Currituck Sound containing about 45 acres; one parcel located on the Sea Beach at Partridge Bay or Cove; that Jonathan L. BRAY desires a division of the same so that he may have his share or the value thereof in severalty.  /s/ Jonathan L. BRAY and Sarah E. BRAY & Rebecca F. BRAY by T.G. MUNDEN, guardian ad litem.

not dated - Order of Sale.  The Court declares that the petition of Jonathan L. BRAY, Sarah E. BRAY and Rebecca F. BRAY show that they are the heirs at law of R.J. BRAY in the said tracts of land.  It is therefore ordered that T.G. MUNDEN is hereby appointed Commissioner to sell the lands mentioned at the Court House, after having advertised for 30 days.  /s/ A.O. DEY, Clk.

13 June 1871 - Report of Commissioner.  Thomas G. MUNDEN states that on June 12, 1871 he sold the lands mentioned in the petition--
    1st tract to W.G. GRANDBURY for $763.50 called the R.H. BRAY homestead containing 66? acres adjoining the lands of J.B. HUMPHRIES, B.N. BRAYs heirs and others.
    2nd tract to John A. MATHIS for $169.00 the tract called the Polly BRAY farm adjoining the lands of J.B. LEEs heirs, C.T. SEARS and others, containing 61 acres.
    3rd tract to A.J. HAMPTON & D.W. HAMPTON for $51.50 located on the Sea Beach in Partridge Bay or Cove

NOTE:  Jonathan & Rebecca Francis lived in the home of John Perkins in 1860.  Elizabeth & Jonathan Bray lived in the home of Thomas Munden in 1870.

[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Ashby-Brumsey (Microfilm G.030.1862908)]

This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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