Currituck County Estates

A. J. Ballance - 1882

11 Jan 1882 - Report of Commissioners on Year's Support - Allotment of $600 to Mary Virginia BALLANCE, widow of A.J. BALLANCE; Commissioners find the the family of the said widow exclusive of herself is three.  /s/ V.L. PITTS, WILSON WALKER, A.R. PITTS

31 Jan 1882 - Account of Sale of the chattel property of A.J. BALLANCE taken by W.H. COWEL, admr - various buyers were Peleg BALLANCE, Job FORBES, Bethuel BALLANCE, Dennis BRABBLE, William ETHERIDGE, Elma WALKER, and others.  Total sale amounted to $245.79.  /s/ W.H. COWELL, Admr

17 Feb 1882 - Petition for Dower by Mary V. BALLANCE, widow of A.J. BALLANCE - She states that that her husband died intestate in Currituck County in the month of December last leaving the following surviving children: Charles, Leven, Mt. Vernon, Utility, Elmer and Mary Love BALLANCE; that he was seized of the following real estate: the homestead where deceased lived at the time of his death which was about 25 acres on Bell's Island bounded by the lands of Caleb BALLANCE on the south, west by the lands of Malachi JONES, north by the lands of the heirs of Peter PARKER, decd, and on the east by the Sound.  /s/ Mary Virginia BALLANCE

17 Mar 1882 - Dower Order for Jury - Mary V. BALLANCE, widow, vs W.H. COWELL, admr, Charles BALLANCE & others.  Writ issued to the Sheriff to summon a jury to allot to the petitioner her dower in lands of her late husband, A.J. BALLANCE

1 Apr 1882 - Commissioners Report for Dower in Land - They set apart to Virginia BALLANCE, widow of A.J. BALLANCE, deceased, her one-third of the cleared land approximated at 4 acres including all the building embraced thereon, bounded by Caleb BALLANCE and the lands formerly belonging to M. JONES.  Also one-third of the woodland beginning at the main road and running southerly to Coinjock Bay then northerly binding on the Bay to M. JONES decd line then easterly up said JONES line to the first station.  /s/ Caleb B. MATTHIAS, James CATON, R.B. MUNDEN, J.R. HALSTEAD, Christopher [x] THOMPSON

9 June 1882 - Notice to File Exceptions to Report - Mary V. BALLANCE vs W.H. COWELL, Admr of A.J. BALLANCE, Charles BALLANCE, Leven, Mt. Vernon, Utility, Elmer & Mary Love BALLANCE by their guardian ad litem, B.B. BALLANCE

19 Mar - 15 Oct 1883 - Mt. Vernon BALLANCE in account with Caleb BALLANCE, his receiver - Amt. received from W.H. COWELL, admr $125.16; going to school for 3 months $13.50

10 Sept 1892 - Application of Guardian - W.C. WILSON states that Mary L. WILSON (nee BALLANCE) is his wife and minor heir of A.J. BALLANCE; that her estate is worth about $50; he prays for letters of guardianship on her estate.  /s/ W.C. [his x mark] WILSON

10 Sept 1892 - Guardian's Oath - I, W.C. WILSON, guardian for Mary L. WILSON, my wife and minor heir of A.J. BALLANCE, solemnly swear that I will take charge and preserve the estate of my said ward.....

[NOTE:  Currituck County Marriage records show that William C. Wilson married Mary Love Ballance, daughter of Jackson & Virginia Ballance, at Bell's Island on June 25, 1891.]

[Source: Currituck County Record of Estates 1812-1926; Vol. Ashby-Brumsey (Microfilm G.030.1862909)]

This estate was contributed by Kay Midgett Sheppard. No part of this document may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these records that pertains to your families, it is strongly suggested that you look at the original record on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information. Thank you!




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