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Currituck County, North Carolina
Deed Book 35

[Deed Book 35, pg. 7]  Oct. 1, 1878 - I James MURRILL in consideration of $100.00 to be paid by Margaret DOWDY  hath bargained and sold a tract of land adjoining the lands of Margaret DOWDY and others bounded as follows.  Beginning at the ditch at the main road adjoining said Margaret DOWDY land running Easterly course to T.M. DOXEYs land binding said T.M. DOXEY land thence Southerly course to D.C. LINDSEY thence a southerly and Westerly course binding said D.C. LINDSEY land to main road thence a Northerly course binding the main road to the first station containing about 20 acres.  Witness: J.M. WOODHOUSE.

[Deed Book 35, pg. 337]  January 28, 1874 - Deed of Trust - Benjamin W. DAVENPORT of the county of Knisston? to Jno. W. BEASLY of Currituck Co., NC, for $400.00,  a certain tract of land on Poplar Branch bounded as follows, North by land of Thos. JARVIS on East by O’NEALs Creek on South by land of heirs of Nathan POYNER, on West land of Lydia POYNER containing 50 acres.  The sum to be paid and interest thereon in 3 Years from above date. Both parties agree Elias WILLIAMS be appointed head Trustee of deed and is to put land up for public auction by giving 30 days notice. If the land should exceed the claim held by Jno. W. BEASLY the surplus shall be paid over to said B.W. DAVENPORT. Proved July 6, 1874.  Recorded Dec. 12, 1874

[Deed Book 35, pg. 338-339]  I Josephus DOWDY am indebted to A.P. FROST in the sum of $60.00 for which he holds my note to be due on the ? day of June 1875.  I hereby convey to him these articles of personal gray and white mare formerly the property of Wilson DOWDY. Said note to carry interest from the first day of July 1874. This mortgage is given in place of a chattle Mortgage given on Bay Horse traded this day said Wilson DOWDY by consent of A.P. FROST. But on this special trust if I fail to paid said debt and interest on or before the first day of June 1875 then he may sell said property or so much thereof as my be necessary by public auction for cash, first giving 20 days notice. My hand and seal this 16th day of December 1874.  /s/ Josephus DOWDY

[Deed Book 35, pg. 339]  I Ceaser WILLIAMS am indebted to C.T. SEARS in the sum of $62.00 for which he holds my note to be due on the 18th day of February 1875 and to secure the payment of the same I do convey to him these articles of personal property Thirty bbls corn & one black horse but on this special trust if I fail to pay said debt and interest on or before the 1st day of February 1875 then he may sell said property or so much thereof as my be necessary by Public Auction for cash first giving Twenty day notice and any surplus to be paid to me.  /s/ Ceaser WILLIAMS  Recorded Dec. 17, 1874. 

No part of these deed abstracts may be used for any commercial purposes. However, please feel free to copy any of this material for your own personal use and family research. If you find anything in these deeds that pertains to your families, I would strongly suggest that you either order a copy of the deed from the county or look at a copy of the microfilm on your own to check for errors or possibly other additional and helpful information.




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