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Currituck County, North Carolina
Deed Book 19 (1830-1833)

[Deed Book 19; pg. 21] Charles TAYLOR and wife Polly to Saml. KINSEY. 9 Feb 1830. Eighteen dollars. Land in Currituck County in the backwoods by BALLANCE's line, Thomas MILLER, Samuel KINSEY. Three acres. /s/ Charles TAYLOR Polly (x-her mark) TAYLOR. Witnesses, C. BALLANCE, Sally (x-her mark) BALLANCE. May Term (?), 1830. Polly TAYLOR was examined in open court. Registered 10 Aug 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 31] William THOMPSON to Thomas S. LAND. 8 Mar 1830. Both of Currituck. One hundred and fifteen dollars. Land in the backwoods the same that William THOMPSON bought of Demcy BIRTON bounded by Josiah TAYLOR, Spence RUMMEY (?), John TAYLOR. Fifty acres. /s/ William THOMPSON. Witnesses, H. MATHIAS (?), Thomas (x-his mark) ROBERTS. May Term 1830. Registered 20 Aug 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 31] James CHAPLIN of Rowan County bill of sale to Spence CHAPLIN of Currituck County. Two hundred dollars. All negroes left by my father in his will. References brother Henry CHAPLIN.  /s/ James CHAPLIN. August 11(?), 1825(?). Witness, T. JARVIS. May Term 1830. Registered 30 Aug 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 37] Stephen GIBBS of Hyde County sold to John MIDGETT of Currituck County, for $150.00, "2/3 of a tract of land that fell to me by my mother & which I bought of Zachariah GIBBS, she had a deed from her father, containing 80 acres.  Also all my right of land which my grandfather left to me & my brother, Zachariah GIBBS, by his last will & all my right land which fell to me & my brother, Zachariah GIBBS, by the death of my uncle, William WESKETT, dec'd...."  "...the above described land is all my right & interest to all the lands that I have in Currituck County and on Roanoke Island..."  This indenture was made November 20, 1829.  Wit: Samuel MIDYETT, Jeptha ROSE.  /s/ Stephen GIBBS.  Registered: Aug. 24, 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 37-38] John MIDYETT sold to Daniel BAUM, FOR $71.60, a tract of land on Little Colinton in Currituck County beginning at Dog Point and running to the Creek, containing 100 acres on the south end of Little Colinton.  This indenture was made October 11, 1826.  Wit: Wm. L. THOMAS, Samuel MIDYETT.  /s/ John MIDYETT.  Registered: Aug. 24, 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 38] Willis GALLOP sold to Jacob AYDELOTT for $65.80, a parcel of land lying in Powels Point beginning at a small white oake in the line of James GREENs land formerly various courses to first station containing Nine acres and 4 tenths.  Witnesses: Edward TILLITT, Daniel LINDSEY.  Registered August 24, 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 39-40] John MIDYETT of Currituck County "for the fatherly love & affection that I have to my son Samuel MIDYETT do give to him a sertain parsel of land on Roanoke Island it being all the land that I, the said John MIDYETT, bought of Daniel BAUM on the east side of the road joining Morris BAUM's land to contain 300 acres..."  This deed of gift was made May 18, 1829.  Wit: Benjamin MIDYETT, John [x] DOWDAY.  /s/ John MIDYETT.  Registered: Aug. 26, 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 40] John MIDYETT sold to Caberas? ASHBEE, for $121.00, a tract of land on Roanoak Island beginning on the Sound on the line of Thomas MIDYETT's heirs, then running across the tract to Abble ASHBEE's line, then to the Sound, containing 50 acres.  This indenture was made February 2, 1829.  Wit:  Samuel MIDYETT, Benj'n. MIDYETT.  /s/ John MIDYETT.  Registered: Aug. 26, 1830

[Deed Book 19; pg.44] Silas BOWEN surviving partner of the firm of Henry and Silas BOWEN, Deed of Trust to Gideon C. MARCHANT. Pages of listings of individual transactions involving many, many names. One mentions John H. ROBERTS, deceased.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 68] Thos. S. LAND to Isaac CASEY sixty acres formally owned by Wm THOMPSON who bought it from Demcy BARTON. Bordered by John and Josiah TAYLOR. Wit. John S. SCURR. Thos. S. LAND, Public Reg. for B. Land.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 75] Benjamin MIDGETTsold to Benjamin DANIEL, for $30.00, a tract of land on Roanoak Island near the South and beginning on the north corner of Bethany NEAL's land and running to Daniel AUSTIN's and Daniel CUDWORTH, then to Benjamin DANIELS' line, containing 22 acres.  This indenture was made December 2, 1828.  Wit:  Tally? DANIEL, Daniel AUSTIN.  /s/ Benj'n. MIDYETT, Senith MIDYETT.  Registered: Oct. 4, 1830

[Deed Book 19; pg. 76] Samuel MIDYETT of Tyrrell County sold to William DANIEL of Currituck County, for $275.00, a negro girl named Mahala, aged 14 yrs.  This bill of sale was made July 27, 1829.  Wit:  Daniel AUSTIN.  /s/ Samuel MIDYETT.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 78] Nathan ROBERSON to Benjamin T. GRAY. Bill of Sale. Two hundred and eighty dollars. Both of Currituck. One negro woman named Hannah (?).  6 Feb 1830. Witness, H. BALL and Reuben (x-his mark) TAYLOR, Samuel WALL(?), E.S. STEPHENS. /s/ Nathan ROBERTSON. August Court, 1830. Nathan ROBINSON (sic). Registered 30 Oct 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 82] Samuel FEREBEE and Hillary SIMMONS to Benjamin COWELL Public sale 4 May 1830. Negro woman named Betsey and son John. Samuel FEREBEE and Hillary SIMMONS, executors of Mitchel SIMMONS, deceased. Three hundred twenty dollars. Witness, Isaac BAXTER. Saml. FEREBEE H. SIMMONS.  August Term 1830. Registered November (?) 1, 1830.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 114] Nov. 7, 1827 - I Banister H. JARVIS lease to my Father Thos. B. JARVIS a certain piece of land during his life time it being a part of the land I Banister H. JARVIS bought of Arthur BUTT and wife Marget BUTT. Beginning at Main Rode near JONESes Meeting House running Southerly and Westardly corse along Elihu HALL line various courses to main station to contain 8 acres. To have and hold peaceably and quietly from me and my hares during his Life time and said Thos. B. JARVIS is to close and bild and occupy as he thinks proper for his own Benefit on above menchind 8 acres. The condition of the above Lease is that the 8 Acres of land is not to be sold to pay any of said JARVIS detes or demands that may come against him.  This lease came to hand December 25, 1830. Registered Feby. 15, 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 114] Nov. 7, 1827 - Dec. 4, 1829 - Ruthy CORBELL sold to Abel JARVIS, for $90.00, one certain negro boy by the name of George about Five Years of Age.  Bill of Sale came to hand December 25, 1830.  Registered Feby. 15, 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 115] Nov. 15, 1830 - Spence O'NEAL sold to John FISHER, JUN., for $15.00, a piece and parsell of land known by the name of Piney Island to contain 30 acres it being the forth part of a track undivided being the land of Joseph TAYLOR, dec’d.  This deed come to hand December 25, 1830 Registered Feby. 15, 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 115] Aug. 16, 1830 - Jesse SAWYER sold to Sampson MELSON, for $900.00, one tract of land lying on Powells Point various courses to the line of Margret GREGORY to the old division line to the Swamp along various courses on Marsh side now belonging to Jonathan LINDSEY agreeable to Jesse GRAYs and John WHITSONs patent to northside of mouth of Reay Branch binding John EVANS line to first station containing 125 acres of Land and Swamp.  Witnesses: Isaac TILLETT, Caleb A. GIBBONSThis deed come to hand December 25, 1830.  Registered Feby. 15, 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 118] Edward HARDY and wife Lydia to Levin WHITEHURST.  November (?)24, 1830. All of Currituck. five dollars and fifty cents. Land being on Knotts Island by Dennis SIMMONS and tract of land where said Hardy now lives. Four tenths of an acre. /s/ Edward HARDY, Lydia HARDY.  Witnesses, Peter BRAY, John GRAY. November Term 1830. Registered 14 Feb 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 120-121] Jesse SAWYER of Currituck County sold to Nathan ONEAL of Hyde County, for $1000.00, a tract of land in Currituck County beginning at the River at the north of the land belonging to the heirs of Thomas MERCER and running to David OLE's land which he bought from Jacob SAWYER, then to the Main road, then to RUSSEL's and SAUNDERSON's line, containing 198 acres.  This indenture was made November 22, 1830.  Wit:  Mathias DAVIS, Even [x] ONEAL.  /s/ J.E. SAWYER.

[Deed Book 19; pg.127] Jessie LEE to Samuel THOMSON. 30 Nov 1830. Thirty dollars. Land in Currituck bounded by two piney islands (included), William SIMMONS willed to be sold; land William SIMMONS bought of Kedar MULDAR lying in Gibbs(?) woods being the land that fell to Jesse LEE the son of Philip LEE deceased; Eighty acres. /s/ Jesse LEE. Witness, J.W. HUGNS(?). November Term 1830. Registered 17 Feb 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 155] John FORBES to Joshua TAYLOR. 17 Dec 1830. One hundred dollars. Land in Currituck on Cowan Island, bounded by John FORBES, Cowinjock Bay, Joshua TAYLOR, Reuben TAYLOR. Ten acres. Ack. J. FORBES. Witness, Daniel TATUM. February Term 1831. Registered 17 Apr 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 161] Samuel TAYLOR to Willoughby DOWDY. 12 Feb 1831. Two hundred and fifty dollars. Land in Currituck near Andersons Creek , by ? DOWDY.  Forty acres. /s/ Saml. (x-his mark) TAYLOR. Witnesses, D. LINDSEY and Elizabeth LINDSAY. February Term 1831. Registered 19 Apr 1831. February Term 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 169] Jesse LEE to William WHITEHURST. 19 Feb 1831. Both of Currituck. Two hundred dollars. Land on Gibbs Neck by David MORSE(?), William SIMMONS, Thomas SIMMONS, Jeremiah PERKINS. Fifty acres. /s/ Jesse (x-his mark) LEE. Witnesses, Luke WHITEHURST, John (x-his mark) HILL. February Term 1831(?). Registered 20 Apr 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg.180] Peter FEREBEE to James COWELL. 24 Apr 182?. Fifty five dollars and forty cents. Negro boy Jack. Witness, Benjamin COWELL. /s/ Peter FEREBEE. Feb Term 1831. Registered 26 (?) Apr 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 199] John BOSWOOD and his wife Nancey of Currituck County sold to Thomas PAINE of Currituck County, for $50.00, a tracy of land on a fork of Tull's Creek, it being a tract that Enoch PAINE, dec'd., owned which he bought from Josiah POYNER, beginning in Willis WHITE's & Issac COOPER's line and running to the New Bridge Creek, containing 114 acres.  "...1/3 part of said land being my wife's equal part that my father left me."  This indenture made May 31, 1831.  Wit:  Wilson B. BALLENTINE, M. BUNNILL.  /s/ John BOSWOOD, Nancey [x] BOSWOOD.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 225] Samuel TAYLOR to Spence DOWDY. 1 Apr 1830. Both of Currituck. Forty dollars. Bounded by Willoughby DOWDY, Benjamin SANDERSON, Specy(?) DOWDY. Four acres. /s/ Samuel (x-his mark) TAYLOR. Witness, Thos. POYNER, SEN. (?). May Term 1831. Registered 20 Jul 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 225]  May 2, 1831 - I Lemuel RUSSELL sold to Daniel Lindsey, SENIOR, for $500.00, a certain tract of land containing 117 acres bounded by David OLDS line thence Northerly and Westerly running with the stream to Daniel Barfoot LINDSEY line. Witness: Jona. B. LINDSEY, John MERCERRegistered: July 20, 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 232] Jan. 7, 1831 - Malachi ANSELL sold to Jno. B. JONES, for $100.00, a certain piece or parcel of land on Knotts Island beginning at the water at Northeast corner of John B. JONES land whare it joins said ANSELL land thence various courses to the South corner tree of Malachi BEASLEYs land said corner tree is a corner tree between BEASLEY, ANSELL & JONES land, along various courses binding JOHN B. JONES to water called Fish Bond Bay containing 8 acres.  Witnesses: William WHITE, Thomas DOWDYRegistered July 21, 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pgs. 232-236] Mar. 3, 1831 - Marriage Contract Between Jno. A. SHAW & Mary SANDERSON.  This indenture of 3 parts made between John A. SHAW of the County of Tyrrell of the first part. Mary SANDERSON of the County of Currituck of the second part and Enoch NASH of the County of Camden Trustee of the third part. Whereas the said Mary SANDERSON is seized to her and her heirs forever of all that messuage or tenements situate lying and being in the County of Currituck being the same whereon she now resides containing 100 acres more or less and also one other tract of land situate in said County of Currituck near James SANDERSON and containing 50 acres more or less and is likewise possessed in her own right and to her heirs exec. Adms. Etc forever of the following negroes to wit. Negro men Sam, Cudgon, Ben, Joseph, Martin & negro women Judith, Nancy, Sarah, Polley and Harret and likewise to the following property to wit one clock, side board & furniture Secretary and Book Case and Books, Beaufat & furniture writing desk, China prèss(?) & furniture 2 mahagony Tables, 3 sets stool chairs 6 beads & furniture 3 chest and 2 Trunks 3 pair fire dogs, 2 pair Tongs & shovels, 2 Looking glass, Carriage & harness, 1 cart & wagon & 5 horses and 2 yoke oxen, 40 head Cattle, 30 head Sheep, 50 hogs and necessary kitchen furniture, and whereas a marriage is intended shortly to be had and solemnized between the said John A. SHAW and the said Mary SANDERSON upon the contract of which marriage the said John A. SHAW hath agreed that if the same shall take effect that he the said John A. SHAW, his executors, administrators or assigns shall not and will not intermeddle with or have any right title or interest either in law or Equity in any or any part of the rents issues and profits of the said lands or tenements, negroes or other property herein mentioned but the same shall remain continue and he to the said Mary SANDERSON or to such uses as the said Mary SANDERSON shall think fit.  Now this indenture witnesseth that for the making the said agreement effectual in Law and for the preserving and profits of the said lands or tenements negroes and other property to and for the separate use of the said Mary SANDERSON and so that the same shall not be in the power or disposal of the said John A. SHAW he the said John A. SHAW both for himself his heirs Exers. Or admrs. & covenant from ?????? to and with the said Enoch NASH and his Executors and administrators & by these presents that notwithstanding the said intended marriage shall take effect all the rents issue and profits of the land and other property herein mentioned & the property herein mentioned which shall from time to time become due and payable to her the said Mary SANDERSON by virtue of her right title interest and the agreement and consideration aforesaid and also the reversion and reversions of the said lands negroes and other property herein mentioned shall be accounted reckoned and taken as a separate and distinct estate of and from the estate of him the said John A. SHAW and be in no wise liable or subject to him or the payment of any of his debts but with the profits or increase that shall hereafter be gotten gained or made after same be ordered disposed and employed to such person or persons and to and for such use & used intents and purposes and in such manner & form is hereafter mentioned and declared (that is to say) that the ready money arising or accruing and of the said Separate and distinct Estate before mentioned shall from time to time be placed and at interest on such securities as she the said Mary SANDERSON shall think fit which securityes during the cover???? Shall be taken and made in the names of the said Enoch NASH the Trustee or in the name or names of such other person as she the said Mary SANDERSON and that all the said separate and distinct estate before declared and allotted for the said Mary SANDERSON as aforesaid and the produce and increase thence shall be had taken held possessed and enjoyed by such person and persons and for such use and used as the said Mary SANDERSON shall at any time or times hereafter during her life time devise, order or dispose of the same or any part then of either by her Last Will and Testament in writing or by any other writing whatsoever signed with her hand and in the presence of Two or more credible witness. And the said John A. SHAW doth for himself his heirs Exers or adms. Covenant and agree to and with the said Enoch NASH Trustee and his Exers & Admin. By these presents in manner following that is to say that if the said intended marriage shall take effect he the said John A. SHAW shall and will permit and suffer(?) the said Mary SANDERSON to give grant and dispose of her said separate estate as she shall think fit in her life time and to make such will or other writing as aforesaid and thereby to give ordain devise limit and appoint her said separate estate to any person or persons for any trust use interest or purpose whatsoever and that he the said John A. SHAW shall and will permit and suffer such will hereafter to be made by the said Mary SANDERSON to be duly firmed(?) by the executors in such will named or to be named and probate of such will to be had and taken as is usual and that the person or persons to whom the said Mary SANDERSON shall give or dispose any part of her said separate estate by her will or any other writing that shall be signed sealed and executed by her in the presence of two or more witness as aforesaid shall and lawfull my peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess & enjoy the same according to the true meaning of such gift devise or appointment without any let denial hindrance or interruption of or by the said John A. SHAW his Executors Administrators or assigns or any of them and also that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Enoch NASH Trustee his exec. Admrs at any time from and after the said intended marriage shall take effect to commence any action or suit in Law or Equity he the named of the said John A. SHAW and Mary SANDERSON his intended Wife against any person or persons for the ????? of any sum or sums of money due or to grow due to the said Mary SANDERSON on her said separate Estate as aforesaid and that the said John A. SHAW shall not and will not release or discharge any such action or suit nor receive release or discharge any sum or sums of money now due or hereafter to grow due to the said Mary SANDERSON & from her said separate estate as aforesaid without the special licence and content of him the said Enoch NASH Trustee his exers or admrs. That behalf first had and obtained in writing under his or some of their hands and seals, but he the said John A. SHAW shall and will avow justify & maintain all lawful actions and suits that shall & may be so commenced for the recovery of the premises and that he the said John A. SHAW shall and will as often as thereto desired by the said Enoch NASH Trustee his exer. Or adms forever with the said Mary SANDERSON his now intended Wife in any Recept release discharge or conveyance necessary in granting and conveying the estates here in mentioned & necessary to be given or receiving any monies due or to grow due to the said Mary SANDERSON as aforesaid and further that he the said John A. SHAW shall and will from time to time and at times from and after the said intended marriage shall take effect upon every reasonable request and at the proper case and charges of the said Enoch NASH Trustee his exers. Or admrs. Make do execute all and every such farther act and acts thing and things for the better selling recovering and Receiving the monies goods & estates of the said Mary SANDERSON allotted and declared for her separate use benefit and disposal as aforesaid as by the said Enoch NASH Trustee his exers or admin or his or their counsel Teamed in the Law shall be reasonably devised advised or required Provided always and it is declared, concluded and agreed by and between all contracting parties to these presents that he the said Enoch NASH Trustee his exers & adms shall & may from time to time reimburse satisfy and pay himself & themselves out of the said Estate all such necessary and Reasonable charges he or as they shall sustain or be put unto by reason of their being made parties to these presents or transactions any thing pursuant thereto and that he the said Enoch NASH Trustee his exers or adms shall not be able to make good any more of the estate then what shall really and bonafide come unto his or their hands Provided also and it is declared concluded and agreed by and between the said parties to these presents that the said John A. SHAW his Executors and administrators shall from time to time and at all times hereafter be in demnfied and ????? harmless out of the separate estate of the said Mary SANDERSON of and from all manner of costs charges damages or trouble that her or they shall or may sustain under or be put unto for or by reason of the said John A. SHAW joining or being a part in any action or suit for recovering any part of the separate estate of the said Mary SANDERSON or his joining or being made apart in any Receipt or Release to be made and given upon receiving any part of the separate estate of her the said Mary SANDERSON as aforesaid or any other account whatsoever relating to the said Separate Estate. In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written.   The words second part in the first page & the words “he or” on  the third page interlined before signed.  /s/ John A. SHAW, Mary SANDERSON, Enoch NASH.  Witnesses: Jno. B. LINDSEY, Michal ONEEL

[Deed Book 19; pgs. 236] August 30, 1831 - Peggy PAIR & Penelopey WEST of Currituck County sold to John GALLOP of Sumner Co., Tennessee & Thomas HOLIMAN of Henry Co., Tennessee, for $200, 640 acres which was awarded to Thomas FENTON for his Revolutionary services on Dec. 5, 1797, Warrant 5025 and entered on Dec. 5, 1820 by #10 lying in the 12th Dist. of Henry County, TN in Range 4, Section 8, on the waters of the branch fork of the north fork of the Obion.  /s/ Peggey [x] PARE, Penelopy [x] WEST.  Witness: C. ETHERIDGE, S. POYNER; Registered: Sept. 1, 1831  [see image]  Submitted by Benjamine O. Bateman, Jr.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 241] Maxey TATEM to Trimagen TAYLOR. 2 Apr 1831. Both of Currituck. Maximillan TATUM also used as his name. One hundred eighty dollars. Land in the backwoods in Currituck bounded by land of where Rubin TAYLOR, deceased lived and now Isaac CASEY [lives].  Also mentioned, Isaac CAYLES (?). Thirty acres. /s/ Maximillian TATUM. Witnesses, B.T. SIMMONS, James (x-his mark) TAYLOR. May Term 1831. Registered, 13 Nov 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 258] David MORSE to Samuel THOMSON. 12 Mar 1831. Twenty dollars. Land in Currituck includes two piney islands, land that William SIMMONS willed to be sold and is part of the said land that William SiMMONS bought of Kedar MULDAR lying on Gibbs woods being the land that Phillip LEE give by his will to his son John LEE and that the said David MORSE purchased from him. Eighty acres. /s/ David MORSE. Witness, Samuel MORSE, W. BRAY. August Term 1831. Registered November Term 1831.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 266] Wilson CAPPS and his wife Lidia deed of sale to Moses CAPPS. 28 Nov 1831. Both of Currituck. One hundred and fifty dollars. Land in Currituck on Bells Island bounded by Nancy PARKER, Charles (?) TATUM. Nov Term 1831. Registered 21 Feb 1832.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 279] John FORBES to Joshua TAYLOR. 24 Sep 1831. Both of Currituck. Three hundred dollars. and formerly belonged to Andrew DUKE in Currituck by Cowinjock Bay bounded by Mitchel SIMMONS, Reuben TAYLOR, Joshua TAYLOR. Thirty acres. /s/ J. FORBES. Witness: S.B. DOZIER. Nov Term 1831. Registered March(?) 2, 1832.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 287] Enoch CASEY sold to Charles H. KINNEY land bounded by Edw. HARDY, Samuel JARVAS & Jonathan LINDSEY. Same land formerly belonging to Thos. WROTEN. This is a Trust nevertheless for Thos. W. is indebted to F(?) WINTHROP. Judgment made in Pasquotank Co.. Recorded in Currituck Co.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 322] William WHITEHURST to Jesse LEE. 6 Feb 1832. Both of Currituck. Two hundred dollars. Land in Currituck in Gibbs Woods beginning at line of land formerly Jeremiah PERKINS; Thomas SIMMONS. Fifty acres. /s/ William (x-his mark) WHITEHURST. Witness, Demiss (x-his mark) ?, Luke WHITEHURST. Feb Term 1832. Registered 5 Jun 1832.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 332]  Know all men by these present that we Saml. TILLITT, Isaac TILLITT, Thos. B. TILLITT and Edwd. TILLITT for and in consideration of the sum of $295.40 paid by Jacob AYDELOTT for a negro man by the name of James about Thirty Fours years of age formerly the property of Durant TILLITT, dec’d. this January 29th 1832.  Witness: Wm. G. GREGORY.  Registered June 4, 1832.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 346] Charles TAYLOR and wife Polly to E.L. STEPHENS. 16 Sep 1831. Both of Currituck. Fifty cents. Swamp land by Enoch STEPHENS line, Trimegan TAYLOR, Thomas WILLIAMS, Samuel SIMMONS heirs. /s/ Charles TAYLOR, Polly (x-her mark) TAYLOR. Witnesses, John FISHER Jr.(?) Dempsey BURTON. May Term 1832. Polly TAYLOR duly examined. Registered 3 Aug 1832.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 358] Fields ONEAL of Currituck County sold to Evin ONEAL of Currituck County, for $40.00, a tract of land in Currituck County on Roanoke Island beginning at Abel ASHBY's south line to conclude 30 acres on the northwest side of said ONEAL's line.  This indenture was made May 7, 1832.  Wit:  Joshua SIMSON, Benjamin BAUM.  /s/ Feald O'NEAL.

[Deed Book 19; pg.363] Moses CAPPS to Sally CAPPS. Mar 1832. One hundred fifty dollars. Bounded by Wilson CAPPS, Jeremiah LAND. Fifty-one acres. /s/ Moses CAPPS. Witnesses, Dennis TATUM, Charles TAYLOR. May Term 1832. Registered 4 Aug 1832.

[Deed Book 19; pg.364] Moses CAPPS to Wilson CAPPS. 9 Mar 1832. Both of Currituck. Three(?) hundred dollars. Land in Currituck by Wilson CAPPS line, Jeremiah LAND, William W. TATUM. Thirty acres.  /s/ Moses CAPPS  Witnesses: Dennis TATUM, Charles TAYLOR. May Term 1832. Registered 5 Aug 1832.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 369] 21 Nov 1831. Mitchel SIMMONS, Cinthia FOSTER, Delila EVANS, Samuel SIMMONS, Reuben SIMMONS and Julia BALLANCE to Enoch L. STEPHENS. All of Currituck. five dollars. Swamp land in Currituck by Thomas WILLIAMS, Trimegan TAYLOR, Samuel SIMMONS. Ten acres. /s/ M. SIMMONS, Rebecka (x-her mark) SIMMONS, Camelia (x-her mark) SIMMONS, Samuel SIMMONS, John (x-his mark) SIMMONS , and Cinthia (x-her mark) FOSTER. Witness, C. TAYLOR. May Term 1832. Registered 5 Aug 1832. Some signators appear to be different than persons named at the beginning of deed.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 391] William WHITEHURST to Thomas HANNERS ?) Both of Currituck. Six acres. Gibbs woods. By William MORSE land. /s/ William (x-his mark) WHITEHURST. Witness, G. RUMMER (?), Luke WHITEHURST. May Term 1832. Registered 10 Aug 1832.

[Deed Book 19; pg. 403] Edmund THOMPSON and wife Sally to Thomas DUDLEY. 26 May 1832. Fifty dollars. Land in Currituck by Thomas DUDLEY, David MORSE, Caleb SIMMONS, Cornelius WEST, Jesse LEE. Twenty five acres. Being the lands which Jeremiah PERKINS bought of John LEE one half of which was given to the said Sally THOMPSON by her father the same J. PERKINS. /s/ Edmond (x-his mark) THOMPSON, Sarah (x-her mark) THOMPSON. Witness, Solomon ASHBEE. May Term 1832. Registered 20 Aug 1832. Sally THOMPSON examined separately.

[Deed Book 19, pg. 405] Saml. ONEAL and wife Sarah and Nancy HUMPHRIES to James WHITEHURST. 13 Jul 1831.  Twenty dollars. Seventy two acres. Share of land that came to us by the death of Enoch WHITEHURST, deceased.  /s/ Samuel ONEAL, Sarah (x-her mark) ONEAL, Nancy (x-her mark) HUMPHRIES. Witnesses, Joshua BAXTER, John W.(?)NORTHERN. May Term 1832. Registered 20 Aug 1832.




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