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History of the Church of God
(excerpts pertaining to Currituck Co., NC)
by Elder Sylvester Hassell


The following is a list of the Old School or Primitive Baptist Churches formed in the United States during the latter half of the eighteenth century: Coinjock, Currituck County, N. C., 1782


… in May, 1782, the churches convened in an Association capacity at Arthur Cotten’s, in Hertford County, North Carolina… The following named churches were received at this session, viz.: … and one in the county of Currituck, North Carolina, under the care of Elder James Gamewell.


1830 - The Association was held at Morattock meeting-house, Washington County, two and one-half miles from the town of Plymouth, on Saturday before the first Sunday in October.  A church at Coinjock, Currituck County, was received a member of the body, after satisfactory reasons were given for her withdrawing from the Chowan Association. A letter from the Little River Association, in North Carolina, accompanied with twenty-five copies of her Minutes, by her messenger, Elder Burwell Temple, and one from the Nauhunty Association, by her messenger, Elder Benjamin Bynum, with thirty copies of her Minutes, were received.

1831 - The Association convened at Flat Swamp meeting-house, Pitt County, on Saturday before the first Sunday in October.  Another church from the Chowan Association was received into membership, viz., the one at Powell’s Point, in Currituck County, and her messengers, James Nelson and Willoughby Sawyer, were received also, who reported twenty members belonging to it.


1856 - The Association was held at South Quay, Southampton County, Va.  A church at Providence, Currituck County, through her pastor, Elder Hodges Gallop, was received a member of the Association.  Elder C. T. Crank, who was born August 17, 1821, and died September 20, 1880; and Elder Gilbert Beebe (of Warwick Association, New York), who was born November 25, 1800, and died May 2, 1881, whose autobiography is appended to this volume.  Elder Crank joined the church at Elim, in Currituck County, in 1852; was licensed in 1867, and ordained in 1872. He was an honest and kindhearted man, delighting to minister to the poor and afflicted, and greatly beloved by all who knew him well. He contended boldly for the faith once delivered to the saints.


Bethlehem, Pasquotank County - This church was constituted August 22d, 1849, by Elders George W. Carrowan and Samuel Tatum, from Coinjock Church, Currituck County. The meeting-house is situated half a mile from Elizabeth City, N. C. Elder Samuel Tatum was the first pastor (chosen in 1850), and Elder Charles Meads is the present pastor (chosen in 1876). William Forbes was the first Deacon, and Thomas Miller succeeded him. There have been six Clerks, as follows: D. B. Pendleton, John Tatum, William Forbes, William F. Sanders, William Greaves and Joseph B. Cooper, who was chosen in 1876, and is the present Clerk.  The present number of members is fourteen. The monthly meetings take place the first Sunday in each month and Saturday before.  The pastor, Elder Charles Meads, informs the present writer that this church is now in a very low state—the house of worship being so dilapidated that meetings can be held only in warm weather. May the Lord revive His blessed work of grace in the membership and in the neighborhood of this church.—[S. H.]

Coinjock, Currituck County - This church was first constituted in 1782, and revised in 1822. The number of males at her constitution was eleven; the number of females does not appear. Elder Henry Abbot was first pastor. Elder Malachi Corble was chosen pastor in 1824, Elder Samuel Tatum in August, 1825, Elder Hodges Gallop in 1851, Elder John D. Wicker in February, 1869, Elder Charles Meads in 1874, Elder Caleb T. Crank in October, 1876.  Deacons in 1808 were John Tatum and Joseph Baxter; in 1825, Foster Jarvis was appointed; in 1851, Abel Palmer; in 1852, Franklin Jarvis and Peter L. Tatum; in 1868, William Tatum; in 1877, John T. Hampton.  Clerks. In 1821 William Doxey was Clerk; in 1837 John Jarvis was chosen; in 1868, Dempsey Walker; and in 1874, William A. Parker, who is Clerk at the present time The church declared non-fellowship with the “Missionaries” in 1841. Number of members at present, twenty-three. The monthly meetings occur on the second Sunday and Saturday before. The house of worship is situated near Currituck Court House.

[Below is an excerpt on the Coinjock Church from A Concise History of the Kehukee Baptist Association by Lemuel Burkitt & Jesse Read; pg. 191.]
The Church at Cowenjock, Currituck County, North Carolina
This church was also a branch of the church in Camden. The members near this place were first received at the old meeting-house in Camden, and continued members of that church for some time, until they erected a meeting-house near Cowenjock; and conference was then holden here and communion administered. In the year 1780 (according to Asplund's Register) they were constituted into a church, but were without a settled pastor.  Elders Jonathan Barnes and William Lurry were preachers in this church. They are now attended, and the ordinances administered to them by Elder Etheridge. We are encouraged by their letter to the last Association to hope that a revival is taking place amongst them. Their number of members at present is fifty.

Elim, Currituck County - This church was formed probably early in this century by members from Coinjock Church. The meeting-house is three-quarters of a mile from the post-office called Powell’s Point. The pastors have been Foster Jarvis, Samuel Tatum, Caleb T. Sawyer, Hodges Gallop, John D. Wicker and Avery J. Austin, the present pastor. The Deacons have been B. Owens, James Melson, Hodges Gallop, Stinson Sawyer, Caleb T. Crank, Graham Gallop, Jordan Snow, Edward Etheridge, Willoughby Sawyer, Benjamin Evans, William Owens, William Snow, Caleb Sawyer, John M. Jarvis, Ivy Dowdy, William M. Shaddick and Caleb C. Aydlett. The present number of members is thirty-six. The monthly meetings occur on the second Sunday and Saturday before. This church united with the Kehukee Association in 1831, having previously been a member of the Chowan Association.—[S. H.]

Lebanon, Dare County - This church was formed from Providence Church, May 10, 1879. Elder J. D. Wicker, of Kitty Hawk, Currituck County, was chosen pastor; Lamb Basnight and Wilson Turiford, Deacons; and Manlif Turiford, Clerk. The church contains twenty-one members, and has its meetings on the third Sunday in each month and Saturday before.—[S. H.]

Providence, Currituck County - Providence Church, North Banks, Currituck County, was constituted on August 26, 1854, by a presbytery composed of Samuel Tatum and C. T. Sawyer, with eight members, four of them females. Elder Hodges Gallop was called to the pastoral care of the church; brethren Enoch F. Beals and Jasper Toler were the first Deacons, and brother Hezekiah W. Beasley the first Clerk. Elder Gallop served the church as pastor until his death, which occurred in February, 1877. In May, 1877, Elder John D. Wicker was chosen pastor, and continues in that office to the present time. He was ordained in January, 1866. In 1870 George Scarborough was ordained Deacon in place of Jasper Toler. Brother H. W. Beasley resigned the office of Clerk, and brother William Wicker was appointed in his place; and in January, 1872, brother Wicker resigned, and brother William C. Beals was appointed in his place. Brother Samuel J. Harris succeeded him, and died in April, 1878. He was succeeded by the present incumbent, brother William J. Morse. The present standing of the church is about as follows, viz.: Elder J. D. Wicker, pastor; Elder H. W. Beasley; licentiates, A. J. Austin and John Rogers; Deacons, Enoch F. Beals, George W. Scarborough and Willis Morse; Clerk, William J. Morse. Aggregate, four ministers, three Deacons, one Clerk, forty-nine members in all. Her monthly meetings occur on the fourth Sunday and Saturday before. She has forty-nine members.




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