Fayetteville Observer - May 22, 1884
Shared by Myrtle Bridges
Richmond County anxious for Railroad Connections with its ante bellum cotton market in Fayetteville--an old relic.

Montpelier, NC, May, 1884
	Mr. Editor:--We are listening anxiously for the whistle of the C.F. & Y.V.R.R. (Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail Road)in this section.
The people in this community (lower Richmond) did all their business in Fayetteville in the good old "ante bellum" days. They 
carried their cotton there in wagons, and brought back their years supply of groceries. Since the building of the C.C. Railroad (Central 
Carolina)through this section little towns have sprung up all along the line, and as these are so convenient we sell our cotton and buy 
our supplies here. We have never been satisfied, however, since we quit selling our cotton in Fayetteville; for it is undoubtedly the best 
farmers market we know anything about. So if you Fayetteville people want to see us and our cotton next fall, just send along the railroad.
	When the yankees passed through this section in March, 1865, they took the pulpit hymn book of Antioch Presbyterian Church in Robeson
county, and left it at the residence of Mr. R.H. Brown an esteemed school teacher who was living in Fayetteville at the time. After the 
war Mr. Brown moved to Whiteville, Columbus county, where he died. Mrs. Brown kept the book in her possession, awaiting an opportunity to
return it to the church, until a short time since when she sent it by a friend of hers who lives in this section. So after an absence of
nearly twenty years the old book has returned. It was presented to the church by the ladies of the congregation. RICHMOND
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