The Raleigh Minerva (Raleigh, North Carolina, 25 Jan 1803, Tues. Pg. 4
Contact: Myrtle Bridges

John Buchanan, shoemaker, Richmond County (2 letters);
Raouel Baker, Cumberland;
Jerard Benham (2);
Wm. Blocker (2);
Amos Barns;
Solomon Catuit;
Norman Campbell (2);
Archibald Campbell, Esq. (2);
Capt. John Cole (3);
Donald Campbell near the Gaulberry Bridge, Robeson county;
Duncan Colquohoun, Shoe Heel;
Archibald Curry, Raft Swamp;
Mallet James Dick;
Archibald Davis, Esq.;
Richard Ellis;
Jubal Evans;
G.N. Gauttier;
Hopton Howell;
David Kennedy, gunsmith;
The Rev. Colin Lindsay, Raft Swamp;
Mrs. M. Leonard;
James Bud Lee;
Elizabeth Lee, Sampson county;
Patrick McArthur, Cumberland county;
Parlane McFarland, care of P. McArthur;
Duncan McCormack;
Duncan McColl on Little Mountain Creek;
Duncan McEachean, Shoe Heel;
Donald McDonald, Bladen county;
John McAllister, Esq., Richmond county;
Duncan McNeal Cooper;
Archibald MacDaniel (postrider) (2);
Solomon McColl, Shoeheel;
William Miller;
John McAskell, Spring Hill;
Alexander McKay, Cumberland county;
George W Morral;
Malcom McAlpin;
John McFarlane, Richmond county;
Alexander McLeod, Jun., Richmond county;
John McIver, Richmond county;
Malcom McNeal, Cumberland county;
Malcom McNeal, Robeson county;
Wm. McGee, Turnbull creek, Cumberland county;
John McLean, Schoolmaster;
John McLean, Wilkinson's Swamp;
John McCall;
John North;
John O'Quinn;
Duncan Phillips, Cumberland county;
John Pharis, Sen.;
Mr. Pitman, 15 miles from Fayetteville;
James Rawlsley, Chatham county;
Donald Stewart, carpenter (2);
John Shaw, tailor;
William Stewart (2);
James Smilie, Cumberland county (2);
John Still, care of Alexander Torrance (3);
John Shepherd, care of Gilbert Eccles;
James D. Wait;
John Wilson, Rockfish Mills.
(signed) Duncan McRae, P.M.

 Duncan McRae has Postmaster Problems 1801	
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Last up-dated September 4, 2022