"The Association, June 20, 1775"
Contributed by Larry and Juanita McClintick    Posted July 26, 2005 by Myrtle Bridges

The actual commencement of hostilities against the continent, by the British troops, in the bloody scene 
on the 19th of April last, near Boston, the increase of arbitrary impositions from a wicked and despotic 
Ministry, and the dread of instigated insurrections in the colonies, are causes sufficient to drive an 
oppressed people to the use of arms.  We, therefore, the subscribers, of Cumberland County, holding 
ourselves bound by the most sacred of all obligations, the duty of good citizens towards an injured 
country, and thoroughly convinced, that, under our distressed circumstances, we shall be justified in 
resisting force by force, do unite ourselves under every tie of religion and honor, and associate as 
a band in her defense against every foe, hereby solemnly engaging that whenever our Continental or 
Provincial Councils shall decree it necessary, we will go forth and be ready to sacrifice our lives 
and fortunes to secure her freedom and safety. This obligation to continue in full force until a 
reconciliation shall take place between Great Britain and America, upon constitutional principles, 
an event we most ardently desire; and we will hold all those persons inimical to the liberty of the 
colonies, who shall refuse to subscribe to this Association; and we will in all things follow the advice 
of our General Committee respecting the purposes aforesaid, the preservation of peace and good order, 
and the safety of individual and private property. Signed,

Robert Rowan,                           Theophilus Evans,                 David Shepherd,
Lewis Barge,                              Thomas Moody,                    Micajah Farrell,
Maurice Nowlan,                        Jos. De Lespine,                    John Wilson,
Lewis Powell,                             Arthur Council,                      James Emmet,
Martin Lennard,                          John Oliver,                           Aaron Vardey,
George Fletcher,                         Charles Stevens,                     John Parker,
Walter Murray,                           Wm. Herrin,                           Philip Herrin,
David Evans,                               Robert Verner,                       James Gee,
John Elwell,                                 David Dunn,                         Wm. White,
Benjamin Elwell,                         Simon Banday,                     Joshua Hadley,
Joseph Green,                              John Jones,                           William Blocker,
Robert Green                               Robert Council,                    Sam'l Hollingsworth,
Robert Carver,                             Samuel Carver,                     Wm. Carver.

This paper is deposited in the Governor's Office, at Raleigh, where it can be examined.

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