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Oaths of Allegiance - 1777

On May 10th 1777, North Carolina at Newbern, passed an Act of Assembly , entitled an Act for the Security of the State which prescribed an Oath of Allegiance that all males were required to sign. Refusal to sign the oath could result in a Court Order that the persons be commanded and directed to depart the State of North Carolina.

Several of Oaths of Allegiance were circulated in the county for signatures.

Location of these documents in the Archives: The call number for the Bertie County Oaths of Allegiance to the State of North Carolina (1777) is CR 010.928.12 (part of the Bertie County collection of miscellaneous records). The documents are to be found in a folder, "Revolutionary War Papers," within box 12. (That folder also contains some Bertie County non-war court documents, as well as a few Revolutionary War documents related to other counties (Currituck, Martin, Perquimans, Chowan, Princess Anne (VA), etc.).

" I will bear faithfull and true allegiances to the State of North Carolina and will to the utmost of my power support, maintain and defend the Independent Government thereof against George the III King of Great Britain and his successors and the attempts of any other prince, power, State or potentate who by secret acts, treason, conspiracies or by open force shall attempt to subvert the same and will in every respect conduct myself as a peaceable orderly subject and will disclose and make known to the Govener or some member of the Council of State or some Justice of the Peace all treasons conspirancies and attempts committed or intended to be committed against the State which shall come to my knowledge so help me God"

This page of signatures transcribed by Virginia Crilley. (Some are difficult to read so there may be errors, and corrections and additional information are welcomed.)

Josiah Perry
Josiah, b. 1741 d. 11/1821 in Bertie Co. m. Millicent Freeman. He
was ca 36 years old in 1777... so he probably didn't have any
sons fighting in the Revolution....and I would guess that he may
have served in the Militia for Bertie County. Researcher:Bruce

James Fletcher(?)
Samuel Rayner
Jethro X Trumbell
Edward X Outlaw
William X Brown
John Outlaw
John (?) Ray
George X Hughs
Thomas X Hughs
Jonathan X Millar

Jonathan Miller was 67 years old  and owned over a 1,000 acres of
land in Bertie at the time. He had two
sons, Jonathan Jr. and Solomon. Researcher: David C.Miller

James Laughton
Joseph X Morriss
John X Cowand
Solomon Hughs
Thomas Mizell
Aaron Outlaw
William Mizell
William Rayner
George X Hughs, Jun.
Benjamin X Brown
Henry Harison
Timothy Mizell
Charles Freeman
Josiah X Outlaw
John X Perry
Richard Bird 
Stephen McDowell
Lewis Outlaw
James X Asbel
David X Paugh
Benjamin Ward
Aaron Mizell
Nicholas X Hinton 
John Williams
Jas. Boone Wynns
David X Birdd
Francis X Brown
John Ramsey (?)
Abner B. Caro???
Jacob X Read(?)
William Cake Filgo
William X Hughs
Aaron Asbell
William X Butler, Jun.
Mordecai White
Amos X Britt
James X White
William Cowand
John X Brittan
Isaac X Brittan
William X Brittan
William X Cowand
John Freeman
Timothy Hunter
Hugh ????
Isaac Perry
Tho. Slatton (?)
William X Sparkman
Joseph Watford
James X Williams
John X White
Edward X Birdd
James X Hughs
Thomas T. Outlaw
William W. Watford
John X Watford
Thomas X Hughs
Jonas X Mizell
Jesse Sparkman
Amos Ranar
James X Holley, Jun.
John Raner
Luke White
James Borroughs
Mordacai White
Nicolis Harmon(?)
Harday Watford
Henry Lee
Ezekiel Wimberly.

From NC Archives - Rev War File. Contributed by: John Cowand


4 names difficult to read on top right hand corner
Charles Dement 
John Bond 
William ? 
Jesse Britt
(These 4 names submitted by:Sam DeMent   

Joseph Parker
King Freeman
James (x) Sholer
Jeptha (x) Tomlinson
Henry (x) Barnes
Edward (x)Willson
Josiah (x) Thomas
James (x) Cooper
Benjamin Carter
Ezekiel Thomas
Benjamin Sholar
Robert(x) Cherry
John Bryon
Edward Outlaw
Henry King
Edward (x) Wilson
Josiah (x) Wilson
James Lasiter (not clear)
Jacob Bass
Frances Sowell
Thomas Veal
m Bass
James (x)Howard
Henry Rhodes
Elijah Hward
Jesse Bazemore
Baliss House
Thomas Bazemore
Michael King
John (x) Bazemore
Jesse (x)Harrell (not clear)
John (x) Sholar (not clear)
John Williams
(unreadable name)
Charles King
Cader Bass
Lewis (x) Cobb
John (x) Gardner, Jr.
 ? (x) Freem
James Roades
Richard Parker
Thos (x) Garner
(unreadable name)
(unreadable name)
Thomas Bond
Willim Johnston
David Collins
Joel (x) Holand
John (x) Capehart
Charles King, Jun
Thomas Perry
Henry Roades
Thos (X)Holder
Jonas (x) Tomlison
Jeptha (x) ?ielmore
John Jenkins
James Pritchard
John (x) Barr]
James (x)Cherry
A ? (x) Gardner
? (x) Chapell
(unreadable name)
James Bazemore
Charles (x) King, son of (?n)
Joel (x) Britt
Aaron (X) Britt
Titus Edwards
Edmond Harsdtey
Moses (x) Lasster
John Bazemore
James (x)Thomas
William (x) Bryant
John Thomson
G. Embry Bunch
John Bryant
Jos Collins
Jeremiah Bunch
(Same preamble)

Daniel x Ward 
Jas Swinhow Grover
William Barbsen
George C Semen
John Gains
John Smith
Gadok Cowand
Mallachi Smith
Wm x Ward
John Legett
Henry Speller
Isaac Jordan
Benjamin Wright
Benjamin Manning
James Baker
Thos x Ward
Demsey x Smith
Edmund Dunstan
Daniel Strawhon
Tol Sar ain
Hillery Manning
John x Johnson
George Crutch
George Clement
John x Teal
Jas x Semore
John x Webbelton
Mathew x Wiggam
Wm West
John Hyman
John Davidson
Peter Barker
Lemuel Hyman
John Swain
William Birnen
Charlton Clements
Wm Cole
Peter Burnet
Stephen Barker
John Sutton
Luke Smithwick
Jacob Rhodes
Letchworth Swain
William Davis
Hes Collins
Wm Havis, Jr
Thos Legett
A? Armistead
John Bentley
Thos Hardon
Frederick Lassiter
Joseph Champion
Abraham Perry

Revolutionary Oath of Allegiance - Bertie County, NC
Original located at North Carolina State Archives
CR 010 928.12
29 April 2000

(Transcribed by Lynn McCarthy from original two-page document; may contain errors because of difficulty reading handwritings and "bleed-through".

I will bear faithfull and true allegiance to the State of North Carolina and will to the outmost of my power support, maintain and Defend the Independent government thereof against George the third king of Great Britain & his successor, and the attempts of any other person power, state or potentate, who by secret acts, treason conspiracies or by open force shall attempt to subvert the same and will in every respect conduct myself as a peacefull ordily subject and will disclose and make known to the governor or some member of the Council of the state or some justice of the peace treasonable conspiracies and attempts committed or intended to be committed against the state which shall come to my knowledge so help me God

Michael     his X mark     Ward
Phillip       his X mark     Ward
John Brogdon
Aaron       his X mark     Brogdon
William     his X mark     Brogdon
John     his X mark     Shiler
George     his X mark     Chaplain

Jas Belote
William Perkens
Kadar King
James Williams
Christian Reed
James Warborton
Wm Gray
John Johnston

Burwell     his X mark     Johnston
Peterson     his X mark     Brogdon

Thomas     [     ?     ]
George      [     ?     ]       

William Hurst
William     his X mark     Hodder
William Duggan

[     ?     ] his X mark  [B   ?  ]
[     ?     ] Holly

Bird Thos Hubbard
William Anderson
Gorg     his X mark     Ward
William Waston
Andrew South
Jas Jones
Luke Warborton
Alexander Urquhart
Jon Allen
Henry     his X mark     Cobb
Alex ? Moen
James Swinhow Grover
Jeremiah Dargan
John Hotten
William Pender
Lewis Thomas
Thomas     his X mark     Pender

Jno Castellow
Jno     his X mark     Laurance
Saml Moore
Wm Cole
Reed Dillon

John Miller
Charles Sowell
Absalom Cobb
Jonathan Long
Thomas Boothe

Oath of Allegiance - Bertie County, North Carolina
Original located at North Carolina Archives
CR 010 928.12
Photocopy made from original document 29 March 2000
Transcribed by Lynn C. McCarthy

I will beare faith full & true Alegeance to the State of North Carolina & will to the Utermost of my Power Support Mentain & Defend the Independent Government & thereof Against George the Third King of Great Britain and his Sussesors and the Attempts of Any Other Person Prince power State or Potentate that by Secret Atempts to Subvert the same and will in every Respect Conduct my Self as a peaseafull and Orderly Subject and will Disclose and make known to the Governor or some of the members of the Councell of the State or Some of Justes of the Peace all Treasions and Atempts Commited or Intended Against the Said State which Shall Come to my knowledge so help me God

Saml Milburn
Saml [his X mark] Leath
William [his X mark] Fallow
Aleshae Turner
Jesse [his X mark]Cooper
Elisha Rhodes
Richard Dawson
Thos Watson
Wm Broadwill
Will [his mark] Anderson
Ephream [his X mark] Shoulder
Thomas [his X mark] Shoulder
Lewis [his X mark] Legget
Dempsey Kittrell
Adhp [his X mark] Hudson
Thos [his X mark] Stanback
Henry [his X mark] Loyd
Saml Leath
Macon W. ? Lisfield
Robt [his X mark] Rhodby
Abraham Mullen
James Turner
Stevens Gray
Willis Kittrell
James Bond
Frederick Lassiter
Lemr Dwyer
John Slade
Thomas Ballard
Josiah Williams
John Watson
James Bently
John Walston
James Turner
James Bate
Henry Smith
Amos Freeman
Jonathan Rhodes
Benjamin Moore
Thomas [his X mark] Moore
Charles Power
Jeremiah Searce
Thos Rhodes
Thos [his X mark] Copper
Davis Turner
B. ? Forsett
Joseph [his X mark] Loyd
Philip Thomas
Thos Harrison
Dennis Delany
Edward [his X mark] Turner
M Barnes
John [his X mark] Baget

© Copyright Virginia Crilley 2001
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