South East Bertie

Nicholas Cobb Descendents 1613-1983 by Joe Cobb

1. On the map just above Bucklesberry Pocosin is John Anthony and Martha Phelps home-south of Hwy 17.

2. to the left of Bucklesberry Pocosin on Bear Swamp is Thomas and Delilah Mizell's home.
Delilah was a daughter of Henry and Mary Cobb and when Henry Cobb died, Mary made her home with Delilah.

3.North of Thomas and Delilah Mizell's homeplace was Henry and Mary Cobb's home which was on Hwy 17 across from Greens Cross Church.

4. Turkey Swamp runs between Windsor and Hwy 17,

5.Levi and Winifred Lawrence is north of Greens Cross Church and there is a Lawrence Cemetery on the road but no stones for Levi and Winfred are there. Winifred was another daughter of Henry and Mary Cobb and Winifred could be my ggreatgrandmother but Levi was m. a second time and I have, as yet to prove which wife was my greatgrandmother.

6.North of Levi Lawrence's home is Cucklemaker Swamp and Todd's Crossroads which Joe Cobb wrote was first called Cobb's Crossroads

7.South of Todd's Crossroads is Beaverdam Swamp and south of Beaverdam is Gogoon (swamp or ditch or stream or creek) and just below that was Henry Cobb Sr.'shome.

8. East of Gogoon is Haymeadow Branch and east of thqt is Capehart's Baptist Church.

9.North of the church is Cricket Swamp which appears to run into Salmon Creek with David Ryan's Damalmost at the mouth of Salmon Creek.

10. John Cobb's homeplace appears to be close to Eastmost Swamp

11. Now, coming south again is M. R. Cobb Sr.s home on Ducken Run Return to the Bertie County Main Page