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How-to Links for Census Research
USGenWeb Census Project


In the absence of official Census Records, Tax Lists may be helpful.

State Census for North Carolina, 1784–1787. North Carolina. State Department of Archives and History.Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1971. 2d ed. Norfolk, Va.: n.p., 1971. F258 .N92.

In 1784 the North Carolina General Assembly requested that a list of inhabitants be taken. Age and sex categories for whites and blacks are included. Compliance was slow and apparently incomplete, with some counties not responding until 1786. There is some evidence that another census was conducted in 1787; the so-called 1784–87 state census may be two censuses intermingled.

Extant portions of the 1784–87 state censuses are in Alvaretta K. Register, State Census of North Carolina, 1784–1787, 2d ed., rev. (1971; reprint, Baltimore, Md.: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978).

Additional portions of the 1784–87 censuses have been located since the Register's publication. See Helen F. M. Leary, comp., "Bertie Co., N.C., 1787 State Census," The North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal 9, no. 1 (February 1983): 32–34.


Mailing list for Look-ups.

Population Schedules

Indexes to the Microfilm are available in Book Form in many Libraries for the N.C. census 1790-1880.

Population Schedules. • Indexed—1790 (incomplete), 1800, 1810 (incomplete), 1820 (incomplete), 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1890 (fragments) • Soundex—1880, 1900, 1910 (Miracode), 1920


1790 Census On-Line. Data was for status 1st Mon in Aug- 1790 Census Day

All of the 1790 censuses have been alphabetized (and typed). This is what is available on microfilm and in books at most genealogical libraries. The original 1790 censuses are available at the National Archives.

1790 Census - Bertie Co, Edenton District. (1960) B.G. Sanderlin, pub.
	Almasy, Sandra L. Lists Head of families only

In 1780 , the NC General Assembly decided to divide the state up into "Fiscal Districts" that more or less
corresponded to the judicial districts then in existence.

If you look in the published transcripts of the 1790, the counties aren't alphabetical independently....but they are within their districts.

EDENTON District (Bertie, Camdem, Chowan, Currituck, Gates, Hertford, Pasquotank, Perquimans and Tyrrell counties)

HALIFAX District: (Edgecombe, Franklin, Halfisac, Martin, Nash, Northampton and Warren counties)

HILLSBOROUGH District: (Caswelll, Chatham, Granville, Orange, Randolph and Wake)

MORGAN District: (Burke, Lincoln, Rutherford, Sullivan, Washington and Wilkes);

NEW BERN District: (Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Dobbs, Hyde, johnbston, Jones, Pitt and Wayne)

SALISBURY District (Created in 1782 and then after 1782.: Anson, Guilford, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Richmond, Rowan and Surry)

Helpful Chart handy for calculating birth dates from ages listed on Census

1790-1800-1810-1820-1830-1840 Census CD (CONTAINS ALL 6 YEARS): $20 scanned images of handwritten records Map included on CD. SK Census site


1800 Census Census Day was 1st Mon in Aug, 1810
Typed Copy is in the Library in Windsor.

1800 Census


1810 Census
Typed Copy is in the Library in Windsor.
1810 Census ON LINE Census Day was 1st Mon in Aug, 1810 1810 Census

The following is from NORTH CAROLINA RESEARCH-GENEALOGY AND LOCAL HISTORY by Helen F. M. Leary (well known N.C. Scholar) page 10.

"During the early nineteenth century, Native Americans were described by federal census takers as free persons of color, mulattos, or whites simply because no correct racial category was included in the government's instructions. Consequently, genealogist searching for their minority or mixed-blood ancestors and local historians interested in ethnic representation within the community often must depend on present-day descendants' oral traditions, which are not primary sources but are nevertheless essential to these kinds of investigations".

As noted earlier by "The Miller Book" this also was the case in the eighteenth century.

1984 Webster's definition Mulatto: 1: the-first generation offspring of a Negro and a White 2: a person of mixed Caucasian and Negro ancestry.Shared by Neil Baker


Census Day was 1st Mon in Aug, 1820
1820 1820 Federal Census of NC Potter, Dorothy Williams. (56 volumes bound in 22 books) Bk 1 contains Bertie County.

Note: Some Printed Indexes list this 1820 Bertie Census as being in Beaufort County - Bertie Township. This is incorrect. On the actual census you'll see it is in Bertie County. 1820 Partial Census

The males 16-18 were enumerated separately, but ALSO INCLUDED in the next column 16-26.
The categories allowed Congress to determine persons residing in the United States for collection of taxes and the appropriation of seats in the House of Representatives. For the first time, the numbers of inhabitants engaged in agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing were tabulated.

For  military purposes,  males in the 16-18 year-old
category in 1820, it would probably be hard to claim
that they had none if they were needed for service in
1822. Perhaps the category 16-26 in the previous 1810
census included too many who were over 26 by the time
of the War of 1812.  The new category may have been
created to make having the "numbers" of males eligible
for service more exact.

Breaking the numbers down into smaller categories by
the 1830 census appears to have been a wise move - and
a vast improvement over the categories for 1790!

1820 FEDERAL CENSUS: Column headings

Name of county, parish, township, town or city, where the family resides.
Names of heads of families.

Free white males:
  Under 10 years of age
  Of 10 and under 16
  Between 16 and 18
  Of 16 and under 26, including heads of families
  Of 26 and under 45, including heads of families
  Of 45 and upwards, including heads of families

Free white females:
  Under 10 years of age
  Of 10 and under 16
  Of 16 and under 26, including heads of families
  Of 26 and under 45, including heads of families
  Of 45 and upwards, including heads of families  

Foreigners not naturalized

Number of persons engaged in:

    Under 14 years
    Of 14 and under 26
    Of 26 and under 45
    Of 45 and upwards
    Of 14 and under 26
    Of 26 and under 45
    Of 45 and upwards

Free colored persons:
    Under 14 years
    Of 14 and under 26
    Of 26 and under 45
    Of 45 and upwards
    Of 14 and under 26
    Of 26 and under 45
    Of 45 and upwards

All other persons, except Indians not taxed


Census Day June 1, 1830

1830 census


Census Day June 1, 1840

1840 Census


Census Day June 1, 1850

Census by Suzan Speropolous

Census 1850
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, NC. free population and slave population (1991)(

The 1850 federal census, Bertie County. Bradley, Stephen E. (1991) (114 6th Ave Lawrenceville, VA 23868   (

1850 Census Lookup: Joella Jones


Census Day June 1, 1860

1860 Census On-Line Complete by Suzan Speropolous

Census 1860
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, NC. free population and slave population. 273 pg. (1996)published: Kensington Glen2105 Gateway St. N,Middleton,WI 53562-3405, $27(

1862 Confederate Census


Census Day June 1, 1870 1870 Census Work by Suzan Speropolous

Census 1870
Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, NC. free population and slave population. 353pg. $30.50 (1996)published: Kensington Glen2105 Gateway St. N,Middleton,WI 53562-3405, $27(


Census Day, June 1, 1880

1880 Partial Census
1880 Census by Suzan Speropolous

1880 Mitchell Township - African-American
Census 1880

Almasy, Sandra L. Bertie County, N.C. 440pg 2 vols. $34.25 (pub Kensington Glen, 2105 Gateway St. N,Middleton,WI 53562-3405, 1996) 2 vols.indexed. (


Census Day, June 1, 1890
Almost all records for this census were burned.
Union Vets 1890 Census Available on Microfilm


Census Day - June 1, 1900

Marianne is transcribing the 1900 census. Check back as more will be added. 1900


Census Day - April 15, 1910



Census Day - January 1, 1920

1920 ON-LINE

1930 Census

1930 ON-LINE

1940 Census

This 1940 census is available through several sites.
Family Search


1800  M32-30
1810 M252-39
1820 1820-82
1830 M19-118
1840 M704-354
1850 M432-621

Non-Population Census

Industry and Agriculture Schedules. Mortality Schedules. Union Veterans Schedules. Slave Schedules. CONFEDERATE TAX CENSUS FOR BERTIE CO., NC, 1862 compiled by U.S. History Class 1975-76, Roanoke Chowan Academy, Windsor, N.C. (Windsor Library and NC Archives-Raleigh) (Available $6 +$2 postage)
Harry Thompson
PO Box 296
Plymouth, NC  27962 

1880 Census

Additional census provided with this year.

1880 Defective, Dependent, Delinquent Schedules
In 1880, the census schedules included a special enumeration of people who were residents of various asylums, such as prisons or poorhouses, or who had various afflictions that made them dependent on others for support, such as deaf-mutes, homeless children, the indegent, the insane, or the blind.

The purpose of this special schedule was to identify people in these categories and to learn more specifically about their situation.

Samples of what you might find. In Whiteville, Hardeman County, Tennessee, the names of Rufus Green and Clavin Hall were recorded on the schedule of "insane" persons. Before the schedules were sent off, Dr. A.P. Waddell M.D., scratched off the names and wrote, "I have known Rufus Green and Cal HAll for many years- they are both colored and are both of sound mind."

In the same county, Ben Oppenheimer of Bolivar had been deaf since the age of three, due to scarlet fever. He had lived for three years at the Kentucky State Mute Asylum, from which he was discharged in 1855.

About William Burnette, listed as insane, the enumerator J.R. Jones of Hardeman County wrote, " I cannot learn anything in reference to the above named person only that he was of sound mind up to the Shiloh Battle in April 1862 but soon after said battle he became insane and been so ever since. He is in good health and lives with his brother Geroge L. Burnette. He is a married man but his wife left him after he became insane. No physician has ever examined him; it is believed that he was so frightened that he became insane"

These DDD schedules were made in most states. Even in the states where they were not made or no longer exist, some of the information is available in the regular population schedules, from which the DDD schedules were taken. Microfilm copies are available from many of the same places as the mortality and supplemental schedules.

  • 1900-1920 (with SOUNDEX)

    Soundex Rule

    Soundex Rule you may need: "that if two or more equivalent key letters appear separated by an h or w, the two or more letters are encoded as one letter, i.e., by a single number."

    Example: Ashcroft correctly encoded is A261, NOT A226 produced "by Soundex rules which omit the unknown rule."

    Another example given was for the surname SCHKLAR...Correct Soundex code is S460, not S246....last example: ACHZEHNER is A256 not A225.

    According to the article, even the NARA Soundex machine does not use this rule.

    Tip on 1920-1930 Census Search

    Marianne Ordway (
    Some of these census are now indexed with the Search Engines ( - After trying all the "creative spellings" finally, I decided to search for just the first name of Doug's grandmother and looked for every "Eunice in Mandan, Morton Co., ND" [using no surname at all, and "poof" there was Doug's grandmother listed as Eunice L. "ANDWAY" - even with creative spelling that variation escaped me totally. Tried it with the 1920 which wasn't as easy, so searched for every "William" who was "32 years old" in the state of "North Dakota" no last name - "poof" there he was and the whole family listed as "DIDWAY"

    1930 Census

    - Release of the 1930 U.S. Census
    The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
    will release the 1930 Federal population census for the
    first time on April 1, 2002. At that time, the
    microfilmed copies will be available for research at the
    National Archives Building in Washington, DC, at 13 of
    the National Archives regional facilities across the
    nation, and through the National Archives rental program.
    The 1930 census is the 15th Federal census mandated by
    the U.S. Constitution, which states, "The actual
    Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the
    first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and
    within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner
    as they shall by Law direct...".
    The 1930 census consists of 2,667 rolls of population
    schedules and 1,587 rolls of Soundex indexes for 12
    southern states, totaling 4,254 rolls. Even though the
    statistical summaries collected by enumerators are made
    public shortly after the census is taken, information on
    individuals and families is restricted by law for privacy
    reasons for 72 years. [92 Stat. 915; Public Law 95-416;
    October 5, 1978].
    For a complete listing of National Archives locations and
    opening times, check the web site at
    COPYRIGHTS: The contents of this newsletter are copyright
    by Richard W. Eastman. Also, please include the following
    statement with any articles you re-distribute: The
    following article is from Eastman's Online Genealogy
    Newsletter and is copyright 2001 by Richard W. Eastman.
    It is re-published here with the permission of the
    author. Thank you for your cooperation.

    1940 Census and beyond

    To make application (named person, family or legal representatives only) for this restricted information, visit the United States Census Bureau "age search" service where they will "search the confidential records from the Federal population censuses of 1940 to 1990 and issue an official transcript of the results (for a congressionally mandated fee)."

    Original vs Copied Census

    "Although original schedules were ultimately intended for federal authorities, enuerators in some census years prepared duplicate copies for state and county use. Especially for the four censuses of 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880, the researcher may find federal, state and county copies of the schedules, each of the three copies being official and in some sense an original. Further, these copies frequently differ from each other in small particulars."
    ---SOURCE: -From: NC Genealogical Research, ed. by Helen F.M. Leary and Maurice R. Stirewalt, 1980, NC Genealogical Society

    Soundex 1880

    "The index, however, is not to every name in the census schedules, but only to those entries for households in which there was a child, or children, aged 10 or under. The cards give the names, ages, and birth places of all members of such households; and there is a separate cross-reference card for each child aged 10 or under whose surname is different from that of the head of the household in which he is listed. The letter at thebeginning of the Soundex code is the first initial of the last name of the head of the household, the number a phonetic code for hte name, and the letter in ( ) is the first initial of of the first name of the head of the household."
    ---SOURCE: -From: NC Genealogical Research, ed. by Helen F.M. Leary and Maurice R. Stirewalt, 1980, NC Genealogical Society

    How to Links for Census Research

    Clue in Census Records, 1850-1920
    Clues you might miss!

  • USGenWeb Census Projects

    Join one of the Census Projects.
    These page lists ALL the Census that are ON-Line, and all those in progress. You can sign up to do a Bertie County Census from these pages.

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